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Panpree points out that energy transition is the key to climate change.

Bangkok, "Panpree" reveals that Thailand is heading towards Net Zero in 2065, pointing out that energy transition is the heart of climate change. Thailand proposes to be a production base for the US-EU instead of China in the "electric-digital-AI-vehicle" industries, ready to accelerate the solution of the international PM 2.5 dust problem. Mr. Panpree Phitthanukorn, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs gave a special speech on the topic 'Thailand Net Zero Strategy 2065' at the seminar 'Thailand Net Zero 2024 - Now or Never' stating that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs It plays an important role in driving government policy in promoting cooperation with other countries in reducing emissions and reducing greenhouse gas emissions to net zero (Net Zero), with guidelines in 3 areas: geopolitics and changing conditions. Climate, national development along with climate protection and energy transition and Thailand's position on climate change For geopolitics and climate change The world is curren tly facing geopolitical changes. Especially superpowers like China and the United States. There is still a Russian-Ukrainian conflict situation. including energy security These all affect the global community in terms of climate and environmental changes. Therefore, Thailand's operational policy Therefore, it must depend on the investment promotion policy. green industrial policy Capacity building and promotion of human resources to promote sustainable climate protection National development along with climate protection and energy transition Climate protection is now not an option. But it is a factor in sustainable development. Therefore, all countries must share different levels of responsibility. It depends on the capabilities of each country. The energy transition is considered the key to climate change. At the 28th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28) at the end of 2023, countries Set common energy goals To increase the use of renewable energy Therefore, Thailand must drive the domestic ener gy transition to meet the commitments of the international community. For an environmentally friendly economy and taking into account the well-being of the people 'Thailand is offered as a production base for the United States and the European Union that are transitioning investment away from China. Especially industries related to energy innovation, electric vehicles, digital and AI. To focus on creating innovative growth Another thing is to focus on the production of electricity from renewable energy and innovation from renewable energy. And in order to move towards Net Zero in 2065, Thailand must closely follow various measures that are taking place around the world. To prevent the introduction of these measures to prevent trade. and create a mechanism to support trade and the economy in Thailand,' Mr. Panpree said. In addition, Thailand is also accelerating economic development. Thailand is green to match world standards, such as projects that aim to encourage the business sector to conduct business tha t is as environmentally friendly as possible, the ThaiESG fund that can be used to deduct income taxes. and sustainability bonds that aim to provide opportunities for entrepreneurs and the government to invest in activities that benefit society and the environment. These mechanisms are a way to build on and expand the results of success to further develop the country's green economy. There is also the acceleration of aggressive economic trade operations towards a sustainable economy. In the past, there have been discussions with leaders in many countries to negotiate towards new industries, namely the Free Trade Area (FTA) and the ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA), which emphasize promoting sustainable and environmentally friendly trade. In terms of Thailand's stance on climate change, Thailand sends government representatives. Civil society and the private sector Regularly participate in formulating policies in international forums regarding climate. Both the United Nations Environment Assembly and the Conferenc e of Parties (Conference of Parties: COP). Thailand has been assessed as a country with the 9th highest risk of climate change out of 180 countries around the world. in the Global Climate Risk Index Meanwhile, the PM 2.5 dust problem has fully integrated agencies to speed up solving the problem in the context of Thailand itself. and driving Clean Air Act in the ASEAN framework Under agreement with neighboring countries To solve the pollution problem, in 2023 the Department of Climate Change and Environment will be established. Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and timely action to show commitment to be more efficient and effective. Actions on climate change in developing countries need continued support and cooperation at both the bilateral and multilateral levels. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is ready and willing to coordinate international cooperation. However, it is viewed as a matter that all sectors must work together. To search for new methods and approaches Overcome the challenge and t ake action so that Thailand can achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2065 and be a true carbon society forever. Source: Thai News Agency