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Pay homage to Buddha and admire giant vegetables Agricultural work and good things from Ang Thong city

Ang Thong, Sai Bun, Sai Mu, knowledge about agriculture. I want you to stop by here. Agricultural work and good things from Ang Thong city It will be held February 9-18. Come to one event and get it all. At Khun Inthapramun Temple Pho Thong District Ang Thong Province Build a tunnel that grows giant sized vegetables. Welcoming tourists In the agricultural fair and good things of Ang Thong, as you can see, this is the giant Okinawan bitter melon. It is more than 20 times larger than normal bitter gourd. Take your mobile phone to compare. It's called a real giant. There are also colorful Japanese pumpkins. Planted in the vegetable tunnel in front of the reclining Buddha. and various types of vegetables There are also 5 check-in points arranged by the temple, consisting of 1. A place to worship the reclining Buddha, the second largest and longest in Thailand, with a length of up to 50 meters. Anyone who is a merit-making person, Sai Mu must stop by to gild the place. Dharmachakra under the feet of the reclin ing Buddha Because it is believed to help with progress in life. 2. Point of worship for Khun Inthapramun According to history, he was a believer in Buddhism and was the one who built the reclining Buddha image. 3. Check in to experience the beauty of the 3-story high-tech temple that cost more than 130 million to build. Inside, in addition to contemporary murals, The angel holds an iPhone and iPad for you to see. It is also open for the public to join in making merit by drawing portraits. placed in the mural In the past there have been famous people like Somjit Jongjorho as well as politicians in the paintings. 4. Luang Pho To, another sacred object inside the temple. which is located behind the church and just finished building 5.An old temple on a mound with a Bodhi tree growing as a temple pillar In addition to places to worship and check-in, this event organized under the concept of "Let's Eat, Let's Green" also has community produce. and farmer entrepreneurs in the province come to buy and choose a s well. Source: Thai News Agency