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Phaya Nagaraj team found evidence of a “wild pig” movement that forged documents to import products.

Bangkok, Phaya Nagarat Special Unit Found evidence of forgery in documents submitted for importing goods. By applying for permission to import fishery products Complete with animal health certification documents But when checking back to the country of origin It was found to be a pig product. The forgery of documents involves three importers who are already accused in a special case of illegal pork. Bring evidence to report to the Central Investigation Police. Mr. Thanadon Suwannarit, Deputy Commander of the Phaya Nagarat Special Unit and Spokesman of the Phaya Nagarat Special Unit, Mr. Chaiwat Yothakol, Inspector General of the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives. Deputy Commander of the Naga Special Unit Together with Mr. Bancha Sukkaew, Director-General of the Fisheries Department, Mr. Somchuan Rattanamangkhalanon Director-General of the Department of Livestock Development reveals the progress of operations to suppress "wild pigs" in cases where imports are declared as It's a fishery product. Mr. T hanadon said: Officials randomly inspected documents supporting applications for permission to import fishery products in the period 2021-2023, which started by examining documents requesting permission to import fishery products from importers who were being prosecuted in special cases. The results showed that Submitting supporting documents for permission to import aquatic animals An animal health certificate has been used that contains inaccurate statements. Make it believable that It is a forged document to evade officials in requesting permission to import. Director-General of the Fisheries Department said: Doubts arise regarding requesting permission to import fishery products. After Captain Thamanat Phromphao, Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives, led officials to randomly inspect 21 containers that were residual goods at the Mae Chaim Customs Office on the 8th. December 2023, it was found that 1 out of 21 containers that were randomly inspected had products inside that did not match what the impo rter had requested permission for at the time of import. There were pork parts mixed with fishery products in the same container. Later, the Fisheries Department set up a War Room, which had experts examining documents from the Department of Livestock Development come and investigate in depth. It took more than a week to find the submission of supporting documents for permission to import aquatic animals. An animal health certificate has been used that contains inaccurate statements such as: List of products declared as giant fish But when checking back to the country of origin, it was found that The statements in the animal health certificate are not factual. In the document specified It is a pig product. From the inspection, it was found. Phaya Nagarat Special Unit found that Linked to the illegal pig movement that was the importer of 3 cases in a special case. Currently, 20 such counterfeits have been found and further investigation is underway. Such action is a legal offense regarding giving false infor mation to officials according to Section 137 of the Criminal Code. and importing false computer data into the computer system. in a way that is likely to cause damage to the security of the country public safety Economic stability of the country or infrastructure that is of public benefit to the country or cause panic to the public, Section 14 (2) of the Computer Crime Act B.E. 2007 and its amendments, and Section 264, whoever makes a forged document, all or any part of it, Add or subtract text or corrected in any way in the actual document or with a fake seal or signing false names on documents In a way that is likely to cause damage to others or the public. If it is done in order to cause anyone to believe that it is a genuine document That person commits an offense of forging documents. Must be punished with imprisonment not exceeding three years. or a fine not exceeding sixty thousand baht or both Anyone who enters text on a piece of paper or any other object which has another person's signature without t heir consent or by disobeying the orders of others. If the document is used in a business that may cause damage to anyone or the public, It is considered that such person who forges a document is liable to the same punishment. Section 268 Whoever uses or refers to a document resulting from an offense under Section 264, Section 265, Section 266 or Section 267 in a manner likely to cause damage to others or the public. Must be punished as provided in that section. If the offender according to the first paragraph is the person who forges the document or who informs the official to write down the message himself, will be punished according to this section for only one count. The Phaya Nagarat Special Unit then submitted a letter to the representative of the Central Investigation Police Commander at the Central Investigation Police Headquarters for further prosecution. Source: Thai News Agency