Thailand Recorder

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Internal Affairs

“Phithakdet” leads the team to file a legal amendment. Controlling the power of corrections

Bangkok, "Rames", Democrat Party spokesman, explains the MP's decision to assign "Pithakdet" to lead the team to submit a change to the law. Controlling the power of corrections Mr. Rames Rattanachaweng, spokesman for the Democrat Party Announced the results of the meeting of MPs on important and interesting issues. He, as the party's executive committee member, proposed to the meeting of MPs to consider the draft amendment to the Corrections Act (No. ..) B.E..... which had previously been submitted by Mr. Chinnaworn Bunyakiat and his group to the parliament. past But the motion was dropped because the term of the said council had expired. And when the meeting of MPs has considered all aspects Therefore, it was resolved to approve the proposal of the said draft law by Mr. Phithakdet Dechdecho, Member of Parliament for Nakhon Si Thammarat Province. is the proposer Draft of the Corrections Act Amended version To the House of Representatives tomorrow (21 February) at 11:00 a.m., seeing that the same draft tha t had been submitted since the last parliamentary period It is a pity that the previous council did not take this matter into consideration. Otherwise, the case of Mr. Thaksin Shinawatra would not have happened, which would greatly affect the justice process. Mr. Ramesh confirmed that the submission of this draft bill to the House of Representatives again is It is not done for the benefit of any one person. But the meeting saw that the justice process is the final destination. Especially the Department of Corrections There is a need for checks and balances from an independent committee so that the principles of integrity are not distorted. perverting the principles of justice Therefore, in essence of this draft of the Act Therefore, the structure was changed to allow for balance by establishing an independent committee to consider the interests of prisoners. Including improvements in the principles and reasons. To be consistent with international standard criminal principles Including the form and structure of the Department of Corrections. Criteria and conditions for consideration of reducing days of imprisonment Including the suspension of prisoners' sentences. That must be more concise and transparent. In addition, at the meeting of Democrat Party MPs It also gives importance to cases where a committee must be established. To consider the steps involved in reducing days spent in prison. and regarding the suspension of prisoners' sentences that must be transparent And the committee must consist of true experts to consider. For the important principles and reasons of This Act It also requires that the court that has the final say in the case be the one to consider the decision and issue an order on the matter of reducing the days of imprisonment and the matter of suspending the prisoner's sentence. For the important parts of the Act that have been submitted for amendment, Important types of cases have also been determined. Especially cases involving corruption important criminal cases Serious drug cases and o ther cases that pose a serious threat to society This must be reviewed in terms of the process for reducing prison sentences. Because if it is an important case that poses a serious threat to society, such as a corruption case, if the sentence is reduced, the same as for other prisoners. Such reduction of punishment would not be appropriate to the process and the sanctity of the law. As well as being serious that will happen to society. Therefore, measures should be put in place and increase the safety distance for society as appropriate. 'In matters of seriousness and various cases When the Court of Justice has considered the punishment That means that It is a desire for that person to be away from society for a period of time. to achieve safety But if there is a process of concentrating on important criminal cases Especially corruption cases It shows that we do not give importance to corruption. which is considered a serious threat to society That is why tomorrow the draft amendment to the Corrections Act will be submitted to the House of Representatives,' Mr. Rames said. Source: Thai News Agency