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“Phumitham” thanked 40 votes of the PPP, voted to support the Prime Minister.

Pheu Thai, Aug. 11-“Phumitham” thanks 40 PPP votes to support the Prime Minister. Pheu Thai unconditionally I repeat, I can wait to be prime minister. then talk about forming a government Flick answers that there must be a party of 2 uncles joining the equation, but agrees that political mathematics is a game that forces you to walk.

Mr. Phumtham Wechayachai, Deputy Leader of the Pheu Thai Party, mentioned in the case that the PPP would vote for the Prime Minister of Pheu Thai that What he said from the beginning was Today we need a special government to solve 3 crises and have clearly said that this government establishment If you want Pheu Thai to be the leader to form a government and presented to the Prime Minister that was accepted Choose the Prime Minister from Pheu Thai Party. After that, we will talk about forming a government. which, if voted for the Prime Minister I will consider the coalition government. You will see that political parties have not talked about ministries, bureaus and departments. There are only analysts mentioned, so if you want to choose, we ask you to show up.

Mr. Phumtham said he thanked Mr. Phai Lik and the 40 MPs of the Pracharat Palang. to elect Prime Minister of the Pheu Thai Party Who will join us? How can we make a stable government and implement the policies that we campaigned for? However, we are happy because we still need reconciliation. And clarity in solving the crisis emphasizes that doing this is not a cobra. I didn't bring bananas to buy. We stick to the people's agenda as the main thing.

When asked if the PPP announced their support for the Prime Minister from the Pheu Thai Party Will there be an official press conference like other parties or not? He just heard yesterday Haven't agreed anything yet. Thank you friend Be it a party or a group, they are welcome to choose us.

When asked about the Ruam Thai Sang Chart Party Discussed whether this would look like this or not, Mr Phumtham said that there was no discussion if the RTS saw that we could be a leader and solve the problem. please support us Every party can support us. nothing wrong

When asked if an old girlfriend like the Kao Far Party said that he would not vote for Mr. Phumtham, if he was still in the same loop, he would not be able to go through the crisis. If we continue to move forward Still, only 312 sounds, which is already clear when meeting with the Kao Far Party Because we want to openly talk to all parties, confirming that the relationship with the Progressive Party is not a conflict. But there are times when both sides of the fan club quarrel. As for what he had said about his happiness and asked for forgiveness, he confirmed that he had said the truth, but it was just a statement. But if talking about something makes you feel uncomfortable, you're ready to apologize. but not to the point of asking for forgiveness because he did nothing wrong

As for Ms. Paethongtarn Shinawatra, a candidate for Prime Minister To join in the talks, Mr. Phumtham said that, in principle, it was the duty of the negotiating team. But someone nominated Ms. Pae Thongtarn who was the middleman. reliable went to join the conversation, so the picture as seen but confirmed that Not for Thai Drama

When asked if the 2 uncles voted for the Pheu Thai party Is there an opportunity for the two uncles to join the government to increase stability? Mr. Phumtham said that everyone has the right to give to the Pheu Thai Party, but not everyone who gives up will become a coalition party. If the Constitutional Court decides that can continue to vote for the Prime Minister The Pheu Thai Party will continue to nominate Mr. Srettha. Thaweesin asked the parliament to consider And if it follows, it is expected that in October everything will be completed. Both forming a government and making policies

When asked if the vote of the Palang Pracharat Party is a sign that Will the senators vote for the Pheu Thai Party?

When asked how many numbers would be enough to form a stable government, Mr Phumtham said that the stability of each government is different. It's more about cooperating because some people may think that 260-300 is already stable.

As for whether this stability must have a 2-uncle party or not, Mr. Phumtham said that political mathematics is already clear. It is a necessity and a game that forces us to walk. The path that Pheu Thai chooses today will have to pay a high cost. We believe that in the end, the people will decide.-Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency