Thailand Recorder

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“Phumtham” orders preparation for water masses in Uttaradit and Sukhothai areas

"Phumtham" ordered preparation for the mass of water in Uttaradit and Sukhothai, stressed the reinforcement of the embankment and dam protection line, revealed that some areas are improving, some areas are still worrying, emphasized that the government will not be complacent, emphasized that the Meteorological Department forecasts specifically in the area to prepare for prevention, and accelerated the big cleaning of the area where the water level has decreased. Deputy Prime Minister Phumtham Vejjayachai, acting as the Prime Minister, revealed before going to monitor the flood situation in the North in Nan and Chiang Rai provinces today (25 August) that he, along with Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Transport Suriya Juangroongruangkit, who is currently stationed in Chiang Rai, as well as the Office of the Permanent Secretary to the Prime Minister and the Office of National Water Resources (ONWR), will go to monitor the water situation in the aforementioned areas. Currently, the focus will be on solvin g specific water problems in the North first and preventing water that is about to flow down. Further consideration will be given to the volume of water in various dams because from now until October, there will continue to be continuous rain. Therefore, close monitoring is needed to ensure that the volume of water in dams, including the Bhumibol Dam, Sirikit Dam and Chao Phraya Dam, is related to each other and to help reduce the floodwater that is flowing down strongly and quickly. In addition, all provincial government agencies have been urged to monitor any unusually high volumes of water and to support water drainage by drilling holes to drain water, on roads or bridges, and using barrier bridges instead, or coordinating with local governments in other provinces to provide machinery, such as mud suction trucks. He also emphasized that the government and government agencies will not underestimate the situation and will not report anything that could cause panic. Including reporting the situation to agenci es and the public so that they can monitor, prevent and solve problems. As for the current water situation in Chiang Rai, Phrae and Nan, Mr. Phumtham revealed that the water level has somewhat decreased, except for some areas that are earthen dams, where water is still overflowing. Although there are reports that the situation will improve, he is still concerned because last night (August 24), it still rained. Therefore, we must continue to monitor and not be complacent. As for the mass of water from the Yom River, it has now flowed to Uttaradit and Sukhothai, which is also concerning. Therefore, he has ordered Colonel Thammanat Prompao, Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives, to monitor the situation in the area and has mobilized all government agencies to help take care of it. Mr. Phumtham also explained the cause of the flood situation this time, saying that it was caused by the weather changing from global warming, which even the water level in the Mekong River has increased and the amount of rain is in spots, not widespread, causing some areas to rain heavily and quickly, which some areas have put up defense lines but still have to face the situation, but he believes that the situation will improve quickly because it is a flood. As for the public warning plan, Mr. Phumtham emphasized that the plan had been in place since the government of former Prime Minister Settha Thavisin. Currently, ONWR has already monitored the areas under surveillance and assigned the Department of Natural Resources to monitor the strength of the embankments in various areas to make them stronger. The Meteorological Department has also been instructed to forecast and clearly indicate problematic areas so that they can prepare for the area. However, the problem of global warming has also changed the situation. The government has also set up a command center in Sukhothai Province and has ordered the Geo-Informatics and Space Technology Development Agency (GISDA) and the Royal Irrigation Department to collect data from now on to de termine how to address the problem and prepare in advance. Mr. Phumtham also emphasized the situation of the mudslide in Phuket Province and the flood in Phrae, Nan and Phayao Province that the government has ordered to take care of the compensation of the people, including the rehabilitation after the water recedes, so that it does not affect the people's livelihoods and tourist attractions. In addition, the Ministry of Commerce has ordered to monitor the prices of goods and various essential goods to prevent shortages or price increases. In many areas that have been hit by the disaster, such as Nan Province, people need a lot of instant noodles and rice. In addition, he has ordered related agencies to go in and take care of the infrastructure, both tap water and electricity, as soon as possible so that people can continue their lives. Source: Thai News Agency