Thailand Recorder

Latest News From Thailand


“Phumtham” talks with Chinese ambassadors to jointly improve the quality of products to help consumers.

The Minister of Commerce has discussed with the Chinese Ambassador to Thailand concerns that Thai imported goods from China do not meet standards. The Chinese Ambassador agreed to find a way to prevent this, while Thailand will introduce laws to take care of imported goods to ensure that consumers receive quality products. The announcement of the economic recovery project, the 'Expenditure Reduction and Income Increase' event, will be made on August 20. The provincial commerce offices nationwide will be sent to inform shops about the advantages of joining the digital wallet before the announcement on September 25. Mr. Phumtham Vejjayachai, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Commerce, said that the Ministry of Commerce is not indifferent to the issue that many parties are concerned about the large number of products imported from China to Thailand and see that the products are not of good quality. Regarding this matter, he has already discussed it with the Chinese Ambassador to Thailand. The Ambassador is well aware of the problem and is ready to find a way to prevent it together with Thailand so that Thai people can get better quality products. At the same time, he has assigned the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Commerce to hold a meeting with relevant agencies to discuss the use of laws and regulations to take care of products imported from China, emphasizing quality rather than using laws to prohibit the import of products from China to Thailand. 'It is accepted that the use of import ban measures will cause more harm than good. Importantly, any measures that are implemented must be considered whether they comply with the terms and conditions of the agreements or not. If Thailand uses stricter measures, it will have an even greater impact on Thai products. Therefore, Thailand must carefully consider. If it is found that Chinese products are really dumping on the market, measures that are in the agreements should be used to counter them, but import ban measures should not be used. For Thai products to be good and acceptable, they must be developed to have better quality so that Thai products are accepted by people all over the world,' said Mr. Phumtham. However, in order for Thai people nationwide to be able to buy quality products, the Ministry of Commerce is preparing to announce the economic recovery project at the Expense Reduction and Income Increase Fair on August 20. It will be a joint event with government and private agencies that will jointly bring consumer goods to sell at prices cheaper than the market. It has also ordered the provincial commerce departments of the country to make general stores understand the facts of the digital wallet project and what are the benefits of joining the project. The Ministry of Commerce will announce the details of the digital wallet project for stores on September 25 before opening for stores nationwide to register for the project from October 1 onwards. Source: Thai News Agency