Thailand Recorder

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“Pitha” filed an extension of the time to notify the property

NACC secretary reveals that "Pitha" has extended the deadline for notifying the property, due June 18, but still does not know the details of the loan guarantee.

Mr. Niwatchai Kasemmongkol, secretary-general of the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC), revealed on the filing of a statement of assets and liabilities of MPs in the event of retirement from office that the NACC G. has inspected and gradually disclosed the assets of many retired political positions. According to the regulations, assets and liabilities must be submitted within 60 days, which has already expired on May 19. But there are about 100 cases who have applied for an extension of the period for filing a list of assets to the NACC. Examine the case of leaving the position for another 30 days, which will expire on June 18, one of which is Mr. Phitha. Lim Chareonrat Candidate for the Prime Minister and leader of the Progressive Party Therefore, there is only a submission to verify the case of taking office only. Which has already filed for shares of ITV Co., Ltd. since taking office in 2019

As for progress, in the event that the NACC's secretary had stated that Mr. Phitha submitted a loan guarantee to the NACC. 1 item, has it already been checked or not? as collateral for company loans Oil For Life Co., Ltd. or any part of the guarantee, Mr. Niwatchai said, according to the news, it still does not appear what it is. personally haven't seen No one filed a complaint. just saw that there were guarantees If asked if a list of guarantees is required or not I must say that no debt occurred. Which he used to give information like this, however, is in the process of checking .

Source: Thai News Agency