Thailand Recorder

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“Pitha” is satisfied with the overall explanation of the media stock issue.

20 Dec. 2023 "Pitha" comes with documentary evidence. stated that he was satisfied with the overview of today's clarification

Mr. Pitha Limjaroenrat List of MPs from the Kao Klai Party as the respondent Travel to the Constitutional Court with evidence documents to explain the case of holding ITV shares Believe that you will receive justice. There are no concerns. Happy to answer all doubts. Because of confidence in the facts It's ITV Company. Not a medium anymore It has not been in business since 2007 and the media reported that all of its income came from interest on investments. Therefore, when compared to the justice system and the judgments of the past It can be confirmed that ITV It is not a medium


For the hearing of personal witnesses this time, the Constitutional Court allows only the parties and related persons to attend the hearing. by the person who will listen to the inquiry Must adhere to principles and guidelines. Just like the previous trial. And there was no broadcast of the inquiry via closed circuit television


There were 3 witnesses being examined, 2 of whom were witnesses on the side of the respondent, namely Mr. Pitha Limjaroenrat. MP of the Progressive Party with Mr. Kim Siritaweechai, who acted as chairman of the ITV general meeting of shareholders on April 26, 2023, and who also signed the minutes of the meeting, while another witness was On the complainant's side is Mr. Sawaeng Bunmee, secretary-general of the Election Commission, who was summoned by the court to investigate


After the investigation, Mr. Pitha revealed that he was satisfied with the clarification. which is as expected By confirming that it is holding shares instead as the estate manager. And after this the court is unlikely to hold an inquiry. or call for additional documents and should make an appointment to hear the verdict

Source: Thai News Agency