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‘Pitha’ leads the ‘Moving Forward’ team to help ‘Phongsathorn’ campaign for the Rayong by-election, District 3.

'Pitha' leads the 'Move Forward' team to spread carpet throughout Klaeng District to help 'Yo Phongsathorn' campaign for the by-election in Rayong District 3, pointing out that it is not just a by-election. But it is the first step towards total victory of the far side. In the election, 'Prit' asked for strength from Rayong people to be representatives of the whole country to judge Thai politics.

Mr. Pitha Limjaroenrat far-reaching party leader Lead the team and Progress Party MP both in the form of a list of names and from many districts throughout the country Participate in campaign activities to help "Phongsathorn Sorphetnarin", a candidate for Rayong MP, District 3 (No. 1), for the by-election on September 10.

Today's campaign procession was spread out into 3 lines throughout Klaeng District, Rayong Province amidst a warm welcome from Rayong people. Both in homes, shops and road users. They expressed their response to the Forward Party very well. Before the three processions converge to open a speech stage at Laem Mae Phim in the evening.

One of the speakers, Mr. Parit Watcharasindhu, MP for the Kao Klai Party, emphasized the importance of this by-election, stating that today he came to talk about 3B with Rayong people, the first B. That is, he would like to thank the people of Rayong. Going back 4 years before that, in 2019, the Progressive Party still did not have representatives from Rayong. But when it arrived in 2023, the Progressive Party came to ask for votes from the people. Please have at least one representative. But the response from our brothers and sisters was to have our representatives come to Rayong Province.

B. 2: Apologize. He understands that Rayong people and people all over the country chose to come this far with the expectation that we would be the government. We are trusted number 1 and we believe that there is a party that should have the same ideology as us and have enough voice to form a government. Driving Thailand towards change, but 2 months ago It shows that even though we are the number 1 party, the power of the 2017 Constitution has worked, reflecting the abnormalities of Thai politics. This makes the Progressive Party unable to form a government of hope for the people.

B. Third is asking for an opportunity, even though today we are in opposition. But today I have to ask for another opportunity from Rayong people. Confirming that even though the Progressive Party is in opposition, it can drive change to happen. This government claims to be a special government. But the Progressive Party guarantees that opposition like the Progressive Party is more special. Because we will be a proactive opposition that will not only check the work of the government. But every mechanism of the council will be used. in pushing for change on the legislative side Working with people outside the parliament To guarantee that in the next election we will be the best government that Thailand has ever had.

Mr. Prit said that on September 10th, the people of Rayong have a special problem. The people of District 3, Rayong, are the first group of people who will be able to vote again. Since May 14, many people have been supporting the work of the Kaew Klai Party. But it cannot be denied that in the context of Thai politics and by-elections, questions may arise: what will we gain if we go this far? When the government cannot be changed But he confirmed that everyone's voice definitely has meaning. Because every vote that the people will give to the Kao Klai Party will bring triple benefits to Rayong people and Thai people all over the country.

The first step is to get advanced people in every district in Rayong. That will make working together seamless. The second thing is to have another person moving forward in the House of Representatives. that will be credited to pushing forward the policies that the Forward Party wants to drive Many of the laws that we have submitted have been passed. whether it is the abolition of compulsory military conscription; decentralization Preparation of a new constitution, etc.

Most importantly, in the third bounce, the people of Rayong District 3 are going to be able to judge how the people feel about the current Thai political situation. If Rayong people go out and exercise their right to choose the progressive party overwhelmingly That would be a judgment call for them on behalf of the entire Thai people.

As for Mr. Pitha, he gave the final speech. After taking turns giving speeches from the leaders and Many progressive party MPs, Mr. Pitha, stated that today he came to look for victory for Phongsathorn. Today is the 4th week that he has come to help campaign. There are only 7 days left for the people to have the opportunity to use the power that has returned to the hands of the people again.

Today, I would like to talk about 3 reasons why you must choose Phongsathorn and the Kao Klai Party. The first reason is that in the past election Rayong people trust the Progressive Party with more than 230,000 votes in the party list system. and at the district level, over 180,000 points, but we cannot be careless. If Rayong people want the party to move forward again We must help elect a progressive party again to make it a landslide.

The second thing is the importance at the provincial level. In all 5 districts of Rayong, the Kaewklai Party won all of them. Because we have an important policy to solve problems for the people of Rayong, namely 4 S. consisting of 1) Public health, where we see the problem of a shortage of medical and nursing personnel. That is ten times less than the Thai average 2) welfare 3) environment and 4) economy where Rayong people are full of creativity.

From the past to the present Rayong is full of people with creative potential. Whether it is Sunthon Phu, Amphon Lamphun or Kla Retrospect, Rayong has a tourism economy that creates income for Rayong people. Previously, over 7 million people came to visit per year, but now there are over 2 million people left per year. This is the question of the Progressive Party that we will solve these problems. How can we use this potential to increase income for Rayong people? Having MPs in all 5 districts will allow the party to move forward and work seamlessly and agilely, passing important laws that will lead to the achievement of the 4 MP policy. Said above

The third reason is a personal reason. Phongsathorn is the precursor of the Progressive Party. has a clear ideology I have been a social activist since I was a student. Working in the area network since the Future Forward Party He is the personal expert of MP Benja Saengchan. His salary is less than 15,000 baht, so he doesn't have to pay taxes. and despite being attacked for such things Phongsathorn is still a strong, patient person with a calm mind, as the saying goes, Mara doesn't have charisma and doesn't come.

Mr. Pitha added that if everyone agrees He only asks for a few things from all the people of Rayong District 3 to help tell their neighbors. Tell a friend at work Tell your children and grandchildren who go to work outside the area. Let's come back and vote in large numbers. Tell these 3 reasons to go with them.

“Don't look at this as just a by-election. But this is the first election that will take the party forward into the Government House in the next election. Our time is coming. 151 votes is not enough. Next time, can we ask for 251? I want natural canvassing power. Please help tell everyone to come out and vote as much as possible. To tell them that the highest power belongs to the people,” Mr. Pitha said.

Source: Thai News Agency