Thailand Recorder

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Please look at the reality of the ALRO-National Parks Department dispute.

House, "Bhumitham" asks to look at the reality of the ALRO-National Parks Department dispute, emphasizing the use of One map as the central standard. Do you think there's anyone at fault? You have to look at the facts. Mr. Phumtham Wechayachai, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Commerce As the supervisor of the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives Mentioning the case of land disputes between the ALRO and the National Parks Department, he said that the situation has gradually improved in this matter. Yesterday (March 4), he chaired a meeting of the National Land Policy Committee or NCTC, which distributed farming rights to people in the river basin. According to legal regulations, approximately 800,000 rai in more than 50 provinces. As for the matter of ALRO land, it is an old matter that needs to be settled. Because it is a matter that many government agencies are responsible for. Moreover, there are maps that don't look the same. Therefore, the problem of preparing One Map was solved to be acceptab le to all parties approximately 1-2 days ago, Mr. Settha Thavisin, Prime Minister and Minister of Finance. The relevant agencies were called to come to a meeting to discuss. Everyone agrees to use One Map 1 per 4,000 as the middle standard. Mr. Phumitham believes that problems must be solved in a flexible way. And you have to look at the reality. Along with giving an example: Previously, we went to see the coffee growing area. in Nan Province which is the top rank in the world, with the Mien tribe is a person with the right to farm in the said area and have lived in Thailand for about 200 years, but when the government announced a zone to overlap their area, problems arose, causing the NCTC to return their rights to farm. But the assets must be central assets. along with conditions that require the area to be planted with trees In order to live with dignity I don't want to use the word criminal. or someone who has broken the law Because they were there before that. and the government announced zones overlapp ing mountain areas Therefore, the right to farm must be returned to them. Except for people who really have rights. 'Confirm that this matter must be expedited for the officials to act strictly. Don't benefit anyone. Whoever has a problem must deal with it according to the law. There is no right to be protected. So I want you to look at the truth,' Mr. Phumtham stated. As for the problem of not accepting the One Map map, Mr. Phumtham said that now he thinks it is better. Because the NCTC meeting talked with many parts, whether it be the ALRO, the National Park District, the Coastal Park District, and the Department of Lands, which he tried to get all parties to talk to each other about. At this time, there is more understanding among the NCTC committee. As for this matter, whether someone is at fault or not is someone at fault. It depends on the facts. It's not that we want someone to be wrong. Or want someone to be right? If the facts are correct Must be correct. Source: Thai News Agency