Thailand Recorder

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Police chief in Chiang Rai removed following raid on Par Club

The police superintendent of Muang district police, in Thailand’s northern province of Chiang Rai, Pol Colonel Kittipong Sukwattanapun, has been transferred to an “inactive” post in the operations centre of the provincial police headquarters as punishment for his alleged failure to control the operations of a pub in the district.

Officials from the Provincial Administration and Juvenile Observation and Protection departments raided the Par Club on Friday night and found 325 people who were underage inside, some of whom were as young as 16. The venue allegedly had been operating up to 4am, instead of 2am as required by law. The officials also discovered three fire exits locked, apparently to prevent customers from sneaking out without paying bills.

According to the transfer order, issued by the provincial police commander, Pol Col Kittipong will lose his post in the Muang district police office.

Officials have proposed that the provincial governor close the pub for five years.

Source: Thai Public Broadcasting Service