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Police confirm they know the person who attacked “Aunt Chuk” and are preparing to issue an arrest warrant for 6 charges.

Superintendent of Bang Khun Thian Police Station It is confirmed that we now know the person who used the helmet to hit Aunt Chuk's head. In the process of preparing to issue an arrest warrant for 6 charges, the other 1 is in the process of verifying the real name and surname. Emphasize preparation to extend the results to loan sharks. to lead to property seizure measures At 2:00 p.m., Mr. Ekkapop Luangprasert Advisor to the Minister of Interior and the founder of the Saimai page must survive Mrs. Sriphon or Aunt Chuk was taken to meet Pol. Col. Krittidet Chanphet, superintendent of Bang Khun Thian Police Station. to request justice and expedite the pursuit of the culprit The attacker, Aunt Chuk, was injured. Mr. Ekaphob asked the Superintendent of Bang Khun Thian Police Station. Hurry to track down the culprit who attacked Aunt Chuk. Let's prosecute according to the law and expand the results to take decisive action. and use measures to confiscate assets with this group of informal loan sharks This is bec ause it is the policy of the government that wants to crack down on capitalist groups, lending money outside the system with high interest rates. If you continue to let the criminals go unpunished may come back to harm Auntie and other family And from such behavior it will not be seen that This informal lending gang gives out loans and collects high interest rates. The interest rate is 20 percent per month, but when the victim misses the payment for only 1-2 days, the debt falls over. Forced to start paying new debt This makes the interest rate as high as 40 percent per month, which exceeds the legal limit. Therefore, it must be dealt with decisively. In order not to be like this again Police Col. Kritidet stated that after yesterday Auntie has come to file a complaint with the police investigator. Bang Khun Thian Police Station Police investigation department We went to the area to inspect the scene. Including interviewing witnesses who saw the incident until it was found that there were two culprits, the o ne who carried out the attack. Nickname: Mr. Tee Therefore, the results were expanded until Mr. Tee's real name and surname were known. and is in the process of issuing an arrest warrant The other person is a motorcycle driver. At this time we don't know the real name. Therefore, it is still not possible to request an arrest warrant. For Mr. Tee inquiry official Prepare to propose to the court to issue an arrest warrant for a total of 6 charges, including debt collection. in a threatening manner use violence or do any other thing that causes damage to the body and reputation or property of the debtor or of others according to the Debt Collection Act 2015, Section 11( 1). Punishment according to Section 41 is imprisonment not exceeding 54 years or a fine not exceeding 500,000 baht or both, demanding interest exceeding the rate. As required by law, operating a loan business without permission, physically injuring others to cause injury, threatening others to be frightened, and causing loss of property. Superin tendent of Bang Khun Thian Police Station Still giving confidence to Aunt Chuk that Please be assured. The police will track down the two perpetrators and prosecute them as soon as possible. and will expand results leading to the arrest of loan sharks From knowing the details, it was found that Mr. Tee was one of the brokers who gave out loans to capitalists in the Rangsit area. -414- Source: Thai News Agency