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Police launched a search for the network of “Kamnan Nok”

Sondhi is searching the target area of the "Kamnan Nok" network, focusing on doing business and bidding for work after finding that many projects are for specific hires.

Police rolled out carpet searches at 15 locations of the Kamnan Nok network. One of the targets was a house in Thap Luang subdistrict. Mueang Nakhon Pathom District Which is the home of Mr. Sakarin, 42 years old, a trading professional. The villagers call him Kamnan Teng. Currently selling chicken rice in Cambodia. and houses in Thap Luang Subdistrict, Mueang District, Nakhon Pathom Province which is a single house There is a high concrete fence. The door is tight in front. Inside was a white sedan parked. Next to the house there is a glass room. Opened as an express parcel delivery shop The officers then served a search warrant and went to investigate.

From asking Kamnan Teng's sister Said that it was a nickname that he got while being prosecuted in prison for more than 10 years. Previously, he worked as a forklift and slide truck. Selling amulets Open a express parcel delivery shop and selling food and ask the police It is learned that this carpet search focused on business documents and job bidding, which found that many projects were for specific hires. The price is lower than that set by the government. There may be irregularities in procurement. .

Source: Thai News Agency