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Police spokesman revealed that all agencies are ready to expand the results of the “Sia Pang” drug network.

Police, Police spokesperson revealed that all agencies are ready to expand the results of the "Sia Paeng" drug network. He accepts that the police must learn a lesson from this case, refusing to answer the case of the Metropolitan Police's requesting the return of the documents in the "Bi" case. "Joke" from the NACC emphasizes that it is at the discretion of the investigating team. Police Lieutenant General Achayon Kraithong, spokesman for the Royal Thai Police. Revealing the case of Mr. Chaowalit Thongduang or "Sia Pang Nanode", a prisoner of a serious crime, that the interrogation process is currently and all charges have been completed. which the police sent Sia Pang already given to the Department of Corrections But if the investigating officer has any questions or wants to investigate further, he will coordinate with the Department of Corrections to enter the prison for additional questioning again. As for the matter of expanding Sia Pang's drug network, Currently, the Royal Thai Police has integrated with many related agencies. To join in the search for drug networks, including those who help and support Sia Pang. As for the case where society criticized the Thai police for accepting Sia Pang Coming back to prosecute in the Kingdom of Thailand is quite a bit too much VVIP. Confirm that it is according to the legal procedures. Because Sia Pang has potential, he needs to have a tight security outfit. In this case, the Indonesian police said that You may request to stay in the Kingdom for an additional 2-3 days because you want to gather information on the suspect who has fled into the Thai Kingdom. The Royal Thai Police has not yet been coordinated. But he confirmed that from now on he will help investigate and provide full assistance. In addition, the Royal Thai Police is preparing to review measures. To prevent this kind of thing from happening again in the future. Police Lieutenant General Achayon also revealed the case where the Metropolitan Police Headquarters sent a letter to recall the case files. Pol. Gen. Surachet Hakphan, Deputy Commissioner of the Royal Thai Police Prosecuted for money laundering with the Office of the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) that they have no opinion on the matter. And at this time the Royal Thai Police is not aware of the matter. And it is a matter of working within the Metropolitan Police Headquarters. It is up to the discretion of the investigating team whether to report it to the Royal Thai Police or not. Source: Thai News Agency