Thailand Recorder

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Internal Affairs

Political parties are prohibited from pulling institutions to campaign for votes.

Secretary of the EC sent a circular to notify political parties. Party members are prohibited from pulling institutions to campaign for votes. Ready to issue a letter warning the RRT not to let "Trirong" make another random speech

Sawaeng Bunmee, secretary-general of the Election Commission of Thailand (ECT), signed a letter on control and supervision requiring political party members to report violations of the law to all political party leaders. By stating that according to the 2017 Organic Act on Political Parties, Section 22 stipulates that the Executive Committee of political parties and executive committees have the duty to control and supervise members of political parties not to act in violation of the Constitution, laws, regulations, including regulations and announcements. and orders of the Election Commission

However, when there is a royal decree to elect MPs or elect senators, as the case may be. Political party executive committee and political party executive committee It has the duty to control and supervise members of political parties or political party holders from acting in a manner that may cause the election to be dishonest or fair. unlawful or may be against you or harm any person directly or indirectly

The political party registrar considered that for political parties to comply with the aforementioned laws Political parties therefore request that political party members comply with the constitution, laws, regulations, including regulations, announcements, and orders of the ECT, especially the ECT's regulations on campaigning and prohibitions in electing members of the House of Representatives B.E. 2561. and an amendment in respect of the introduction of the monarchy in connection with election campaigns

When appearing to the Executive Committee of a political party or executive director of a political party or when the Executive Committee of a political party is notified by the Political Party Registrar that a member of a political party may act in violation of Section 22 paragraph one or paragraph two. The executive committee of the political party shall pass a resolution or order the member of the political party to immediately cease doing so. and prescribing necessary measures or means to prevent members of political parties from committing such acts again. Then notify the political party registrar within seven days from the date of resolution.

If the Executive Committee of a political party fails to comply with Section 22, paragraph three of the Organic Act on Political Parties B.E. The said order shall be published in the Government Gazette and prohibits the executive members of political parties who vacate office for such reasons from holding any position in a political party for 20 years from the date of retirement under section 22 paragraph four of the same Organic Act.

The secretary-general of the ECT signed a letter on the control and supervision of political party members for violating the law. Sent to the leader of the Ruam Thai Sang Chart Party With details about the fact that on February 25, 2023, Mr. Trirong Suwankhiri gave a speech in front of the Nakhon Ratchasima City Hall. During one of the speeches, the monarchy was used in election campaigns. which the political party registrar Considered that Mr. Trirong's actions may violate the Election Commission's regulations on campaigning and prohibited characteristics in the 2018 election of members of the House of Representatives and their amendments. Regarding the involvement of the monarchy in election campaigns He therefore asked the Ruam Thai Sang Nation Party to control and supervise Mr. Trairong from committing acts that may violate the constitution, laws, regulations, and regulations. announcements and orders of Election Commission.

Source: Thai News Agency