Thailand Recorder

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Prepare to pull processed fruits to participate in the Maha Songkran festival at Sanam Luang.

Pathum Thani, Director-General of the Department of Internal Trade Prepare to bring processed fruit products such as mangos, coconuts, and ice cream to the Maha Songkran event at Sanam Luang in mid-April in order to greatly reduce the amount of produce that will be released to the market. Ready to assess that if there is a lot of produce, it will be expedited to be distributed through small and large department stores throughout the country. Accept that lemons are expensive for a short period of time. I recommend buying lemon powder instead. while other important economic crops include rice, cassava, and oil palm. Good prices for every item will have a positive impact on farmers. Mr. Wattanasak Sueaiam, Director-General of the Department of Internal Trade, said that The Department of Internal Trade has been closely monitoring the prices of both consumer and consumer products. Especially during the period when a lot of Thai fruit products will be released to the market. By preparing in every way to prevent p rices from falling that will cause farmers to be affected too much. which has prepared a plan to find a way to release important fruit products and it is likely that many of the products will be released to the market in the next few months. The approach that the Ministry of Commerce will take is to connect markets through both small and large department stores. The department has talked with some department stores and will request some space for farmers to bring fruit to sell in department stores so that farmers can have space to distribute their fruit products in various department stores as well. In addition, initially the Department will bring store partners Farmers who bring processed fruits such as mangoes, coconuts, ice cream, and other fruit juices to join in the Songkran activities at Sanam Luang and on Ratchadamnoen Klang Road to sell inexpensive fruit juices to the people who come to play. Songkran within the said area as well And not only in Bangkok area only This activity will also go to tourist provinces that participate in Songkran events across the country this year as well. However, from the warmer weather conditions The Department of Internal Trade has been monitoring the prices of fresh food products. Most of them adjust up and down according to market mechanisms. But this summer the rain has stopped. causing the price of some types of vegetables Starting to move up, such as lemons due to decreased production. Therefore, the Department of Internal Trade views that the price will increase for a short period of time. Some areas will be more expensive. Therefore, I would like to recommend that consumers choose to switch to "lime powder" as an alternative that is not very expensive. Can be stored for a long time during periods when the price of mangoes is higher. This year, the lemon production was during January-February. The quantity was only 42,000 tons, considered a decrease from the same period last year. with an average production of 56,000 tons, with an average of 4.60 baht per fruit, an in crease from last week's average of 3.71 baht per fruit, but the department has plans to accelerate market connections, especially by bringing lime powder from the Royal Project to sell through trucks. My Blue Flag It is expected that the price of lemons will return to normal during the rainy season. 'The Department of Internal Trade has continued operations since last year. By collecting lemons Part of it is used to make "lime powder" together with Suan Chitlada to provide an alternative for consumers. which are sold through Blue Flag shops and Blue Flag mobile cars In Bangkok and surrounding areas, I would like to recommend Various restaurants You can use manang powder as an alternative. There are many brands to choose from in the market. Or if using bottled lemon juice You should choose from sources that have standards,' Wattanasak said. At the same time, prices of Thai agricultural products this year are considered to be continuously good, not only for rubber. But other important economic crops include r ice, cassava, and oil palm. Good prices for all items as well. This year is considered good news for rice farmers as prices continue to be good. For the price of jasmine rice This price has been standing since last year, averaging 14,850 baht per ton, up to 15,500 baht. Jasmine rice outside the area is stable at an average of 14,600 baht, up to 15,200 baht per ton. Pathum Thani paddy rice slightly higher The average price was 14,800 baht per ton, moving up from last week at 14,470 baht per ton. Steady at an average of 12,600 baht per tonne, highest at 12,700 baht per tonne, and sticky rice at 13,300 baht per tonne, it is considered that the price of all rice is in good condition. and higher than last year As for cassava, 3.48 baht per kilogram is a better price than last year as well. Corn for animal feed is stable at 9.50-9.60 baht per kilogram, considered a good price that farmers are satisfied with. Meanwhile, the average oil palm fruit price of 5.70-5.80 is still continuously high, in line with the price of crude palm oil or CPO of 34.13 baht, as for bottled palm oil. The average bottle is 45.19 baht per liter but in various department stores. Bring it to a promotion at a price of 43-45 baht per bottle, which currently stocks crude palm oil. It is within the manageable level of approximately 220,000 tons and the produce is gradually being released to the market. From this month until May As for the price of rubber, it is considered to have increased a lot. The average price of raw rubber sheets is 85 baht per kilogram. Much higher than last year At an average of only 47.58 baht and still higher than last month's 70 baht, the average fresh latex price was 77.50 baht per kilogram. From last year, the average was only 48.25 baht and there is still a trend of increasing. From the section on good productivity management Meanwhile, the price of pork remains stable at an average level of 124-128 baht per kilogram, which concerns the relevant agencies. Trying to keep the price level not lower than this, chicken mea t has both increased and decreased according to the parts, with the average leg meat with hips at 82.31 baht per kilogram, thigh pieces at 81 baht per kilogram, thigh pieces at 85 baht per kilogram, and beef Breasts are priced at 76 baht per kilogram. For chicken eggs, the price has dropped slightly. Number 3 averages 3.76-3.79 baht per egg, while fish prices are mostly stable. The price of tilapia is 74.50-75.00 baht per kilogram, catfish is 75.80 baht per kilogram, and ruby ??fish prices have decreased slightly. It is 104 baht per kilogram, the average sea bass is 139 baht per kilogram, etc. As for vegetables, prices decreased slightly, averaging at 33-34 baht per kilogram. Yard beans average 46 baht per kilogram, morning glory 31.20 baht per kilogram, coriander average 82.50 baht per kilogram. Overall, it is considered a slight increase and decrease compared to last week and I would like to emphasize that the Department of Internal Trade is monitoring the price situation for all types of products. closely If any area is being exploited by selling products at excessive prices or not displaying price tags, people can immediately complain via the hotline 1569. Source: Thai News Agency