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Pride Thai set up a policy for village health volunteers, pushing for 2,000 baht compensation

Bangkok, April 17 – "Pride of Thai" set up a policy for village health volunteers, pushing compensation 2,000 baht - savings fund, lending 100,000 baht - establishing a volunteer institute to increase benefits

April 17, 2023 at Bhumjaithai Party, Bangkok, Mr. Anutin Charnvirakul, leader of Bhumjaithai Party, Ms. Rewadee Rassamithat, party-list MP candidate Bhumjaithai Party and Mr. Chamras Khamrod, party-list MP candidates Bhumjaithai Party As a strategic working group for Village Health Volunteers (VHVs) and Bangkok Public Health Volunteers (VHVs), Bhumjaithai Party joint press release Policy to improve the quality of life of village health volunteers in the 2023 election battle

Mr. Anutin said that he and Bhumjaithai Party have seen commitment Always focused on the work of the volunteer volunteers when they were deputy ministers of the Ministry of Public Health. I got to know VHVs for the first time when I went to other provinces. From then on, I understood his work role. as the foundation of the Thai health system When becoming the Minister of Public Health, he intends to take care of him as he takes care of the people during COVID-19. Volunteer volunteers work at risk, work hard, we push for increased monthly wages, but from now on, volunteer volunteers will Must have stability in life Therefore, we have pushed the remuneration of volunteers to 2,000 baht per month and must be permanent. Now the matter is in the draft of the 2024 budget bill. If Pridethai returns to work We definitely push forward. In addition, we are also moving forward with the project for volunteers and children of volunteers to be trained as nursing assistants at Phra Boromrajchanok Institute. Bhumjaithai Party There is a policy to increase the potential of the villagers. Being the 1st doctor in the 3 Doctors project, we see that the villagers work with noble hearts, selflessness, and dedication to work for the health and well-being of the Thai people. Bhumjaithai Party has a policy for sibling Volunteers consist of

proposed a law to establish "National Institute of Public Health Volunteers to promote public health” using the budget from the sin tax.

Increase the compensation of VHVs and VHVs 2,000 baht

Sickness is covered by insurance, income compensation is not less than the minimum wage.

Sick people have a special room for free, free meals in hospitals under the Ministry of Public Health. Use smart cards, Volunteers and Volunteers to apply for privileges.

Money "Cremation Welfare Volunteer Volunteers of Thailand" can die 500,000 baht

Borrowing from Volunteer Sor Sor and Volunteer Volunteers 100,000.- each (interest-free) through the Volunteer and Volunteer Sor Sor Savings Fund and

Set up a savings fund for VHVs and VHVs. Funds come from VHVs. They send 100 baht per month to the fund. The government sends 100 baht per month to the fund.

“I didn't come to give you money. Because I consider honor and your dignity as a volunteer But we want you to live. On the basis of stability, I myself am a volunteer. i fly a plane Help bring the medical team to the organ surgery. You are the foundation of the Thai public health system. you do more than me But we understand. Finally, thank you for your hard work. We are always aware of this.”

Mr. Chamras gave details that the criteria and methods by deducting money from members 100 baht per month to bring to the fund, for example, 1,000,000 volunteers, deducting 100 baht per month, equal to 100,000,000 baht per month, 1,200,000,000 baht per year, the limit for members Borrow 100,000 baht per person with monthly installments of 500 baht to the heirs who are the beneficiaries of Volunteer Volunteers of Thailand As a guarantor, members who want to borrow must save money into the fund for at least 1 year in order to be eligible to borrow according to their rights, considering the loan amount without interest by considering the age of being a volunteer. For example, being a volunteer for 30 years, 20 years, 10 years, and the cumulative score of the volunteers' good performance is the basis for consideration.

while Ms. Rewadee said that in order for the Volunteers and the Volunteers with a large number of members to have a strong organization and can work with all sectors Especially in terms of health care of the people. In the past, in organizations or agencies working in health People in general tend to use the mechanisms of VHVs and VHVs to reach people in the area. therefore deems it appropriate to elevate it to be the "Vor Sor Sor. Institute of Thailand" .-Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency