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Proceeding with the investigation into sexual harassment of MPs, concluding in October.

Moving forward with the investigation of MPs accused of sexual harassment. Confirm a resolution within October. I accept that the party has a problem with this matter. Move forward in prevention and response Emphasize not creating a culture of concealment

Mr. Parit Watcharasindhu, Spokesperson of the Move Forward Party, along with Ms. Sasinan Thamnitinan, MP for Bangkok, Move Forward Party, as party disciplinary committee members. Announcing the progress of the investigation into the case of Mr. Wutthipong Thonglao, Prachinburi MP from the Progressive Party, who was accused of sexual harassment. that as a spokesperson for the Forward Party I would like to begin frankly admitting that the Progressive Party has a problem with sexual harassment and violence. It is considered a big problem in society that affects the safety of many people. As a political party that must be responsible for solving such problems at the national level. When problems arise from personnel within our own organization What we must do is accept the problem, face it, and find justice for the victims. without creating a culture of concealing such matters or protect people in the organization who commit wrongdoing

Mr. Prit said that the summary of the allegations of sexual harassment that was concluded from There have been two cases of party executive committee members, namely since after the election in May 2023, the party's disciplinary committee has investigated the facts on all sides. And the party's executive committee has already resolved to punish in 2 cases: case 1, the allegation of using violence by Mr. Sirin Sanguansin, MP for Bangkok, through the Budget Committee. The party found that Mr. Sirin Sanguansin had quarreled with the victim. and actually committed violence against the victims Until causing the victim to be injured around the body. including destruction of property and using inappropriate words towards the victim This is an action that goes against the party's ideology. and is considered a serious violation of party discipline Therefore, it was decided to punish Mr. Sirin Sanguansin in two ways: depriving him of the rights he should have as a party member. By immediately disqualifying them from being nominated for important positions in the party. This measure is the second most severe punishment after expulsion from membership. and the punishment was determined that if there were any incidents If Mr. Sirin commits another serious disciplinary violation while performing his duties as an MP, the party will upgrade the punishment to expulsion from membership.

Case 2: Allegations of sexual harassment Mr. Kriengkrai Chankokphung, former Chaiyaphum MP candidate, actually committed sexual harassment against the victim according to the allegations. The party considers that such an action is clearly contrary to the party's ideology. and is considered a serious breach of party discipline. This is in line with party regulations that clearly specify the offense of sexual harassment. Therefore, it was resolved to punish Mr. Kriangkrai. By expulsion from membership immediately

“To the victims of wrongdoing in these two cases, the Progressive Party must apologize to both of them, with the understanding that even an apology will not be enough to reverse the damage that has occurred both physically and mentally. But we hope that at least there will be fairness from the party's investigation process into the terrible events committed by party members,” Mr. Prit said.

Mr. Prit also said that as for the allegations of sexual harassment by Mr. Wutthipong Thonglao, Prachinburi MP. After the party received a request from the complainant The fact-finding process has been initiated. Each relevant party was invited to provide additional information throughout last September. The party insists that we want the allegations to be resolved as soon as possible as to whether they are wrongful or not. Including the conclusion that if the said action is an offense, what level of seriousness is it? for the party to punish and restore justice to the victims The fact-finding and diagnosis process will be concluded by October.

As for the second case, which has not yet appeared in the public media. Allegation of sexual harassment by another MP. In this case, the party has learned that an event may have occurred that may be considered sexual harassment. by party members Who currently holds the position of MP for the Kao Klai Party Although the party has not received any direct complaints from individuals, which may be considered a victim Since learning of the matter, the party's disciplinary committee has hastened to contact the said person. Currently in the process of waiting for the said person's readiness. To provide additional information so that the facts appear

“In both these cases, the party insists that we will do our utmost to reach a speedy conclusion. and if it is concluded that it is wrong The party insists it will not tolerate sexual misconduct. Including the abuse of power. corruption and various frauds The punishment will be carried out without caring about the political consequences that follow because MPs are not just the number we need. But what kind of representatives do we want to see?” Mr. Prit said.

Mr. Prit also said that although the party has continuously trained party personnel, But the fact that he had to make a statement on this matter today is a clear indication that we have not done well enough. After a period of internal discussion The Party wishes to pledge that the Party will improve the work of the Party Disciplinary Committee. Through adjusting the composition of the committee to increase the proportion of outside experts who are not party MPs and who are not male. This will increase both the efficiency of the committee's operations. Including increasing the inspection mechanism so that it is not limited to inspections by personnel within the Party. and will review and consider improving the investigation process from the first step to the last step. To prevent delays In addition, the intensity of training for party personnel has been increased. Regarding respect for gender equality and bodily rights Increase the frequency and format of training and increase the depth of the curriculum necessary to create understanding through the consultation of external experts.

“The reason for standing here is to frankly admit that our party has a problem with sexual harassment. Whether there will be a lawsuit or not This is a serious and unacceptable offense. Therefore, I would like to confirm that the Progressive Party will not escape from such problems. But such problems must be faced. And the Progressive Party will not create a culture of concealing the wrongdoing of people in the organization. Because of the concealment and lack of liability measures simply because of fear of the organization's reputation being damaged. which is an important cause of promoting sexual harassment and the fraudulent use of power in society,” Mr. Prit said.

Source: Thai News Agency