Thailand Recorder

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Prosecutors have not yet filed charges against Thaksin. Scheduled a new hearing on April 10, confirming that he is truly ill.

Bangkok, Prosecutors have not yet filed charges against Thaksin. Hearing a new order on April 10, insisting that his condition is really seriously ill and critical. Can't talk much, can't walk, uses a wheelchair. Mr. Preecha Sudsanguan, Director-General of the Prosecution Office, Criminal Justice Office along with Mr. Prayut Petchakun, Deputy Director-General of Public Prosecutions Special Case Office and Spokesperson of the Attorney General's Office, Mr. Narong Srirasan, Deputy Spokesperson, Mr. Naken Thongpraiwan, Deputy Spokesperson, and Mr. Wiput Bunprasat, Special Prosecutor for Criminal Division 8, jointly announced the case of Mr. Thaksin Shinawatra, former Prime Minister. Accused in Section 112 case Mr. Prayut said that at 8:30 a.m., investigators from the Technology Crime Suppression Division, or TCSD, were assigned by the Attorney General to be responsible for investigating the case. Take Mr. Thaksin Shinawatra, former prime minister, the accused, and hand him over to the prosecutor at the Crimin al Justice Office. which has been assigned by the Attorney General to be responsible for prosecuting this case with Mr. Preecha Sudsanguan, Director-General of the Prosecution Office, Criminal Justice Department and Mr. Wiput Bunprasat, Special Prosecutor of the Department The Special Prosecutor's Office, Criminal Division 8, was received by the investigating officer. This case, Mr. Thaksin Request justice to the Attorney General through the investigative officer while reporting the charges at the police hospital The Attorney General has considered the letter requesting justice. It is seen that the case has issues for further investigation as requested. The Attorney General therefore ordered an additional investigation. and assigned investigators to conduct additional investigations in accordance with the letter requesting justice. But because the investigation has not yet ended. Therefore, the Attorney General is unable to come to an opinion and issue a legal order at this time. Therefore, permission was gr anted to temporarily release Mr. Thaksin. With collateral in a bank account of 5 hundred thousand baht and an appointment to meet the prosecutor to hear the order of new charges on April 10, 2024 at 9:00 a.m. at the Office of the Special Prosecutor, Criminal Division 8, Office of the Attorney General. As for the opinion that Mr. Thaksin should be released temporarily because while talking with Mr. Thaksin After about half an hour, it appeared that he was critically ill. Because I had to ride in a wheelchair, I couldn't walk and didn't have much of a voice. There was a splint in my neck and I couldn't walk. Looking at it I was really sick and in critical condition. There's not much sound. Looks like he is seriously ill. and wearing a neck brace When asked if Ms. Prae Thongthan or Ung Ing had traveled as well, Mr. Preecha said that Mr. Thaksin had traveled with a close friend. My daughter was not traveling with me and I was not the guarantor. The process of signing the report and meeting with the prosecutor t ook approximately 30 minutes before Mr. Thaksin returned. Mr. Prayut confirmed that this case is a person of interest to the public. There are important charges. Please be confident and believe in the work of the prosecutor that everything is based on facts and in accordance with the law. As for yesterday (Feb. 18), Mr. Thaksin was released from the Department of Corrections in another criminal case because his sentence had been suspended by investigators. The Police Department went to pick up Mr. Thaksin. According to the arresting officer's arrest letter dated August 28, 2023, and upon receiving the suspect, the investigating officer temporarily released him on the same day. As for the collateral that Mr. Thaksin used to bail out It is a security in the account book certified by the bank with an amount of 5 hundred thousand baht. The prosecutor will freeze the said account. As for when asked if there are conditions for release or not, Mr. Preecha Said that for prosecutors there are no conditions. But the conditions of the Probation Department As specified, he could not answer that Mr. Thaksin How must you behave during your sentence? In addition, reporters asked about the process on the appointment date of April 10. Mr. Prayut said it was an appointment with Mr. Thaksin. Came to listen to legal orders There will be an order whether to order a lawsuit, not to order a lawsuit, or to postpone the hearing, which must be informed to Mr. Thaksin. I knew that day. The original statement that had an order deeming it appropriate to order a lawsuit It is the first order since Thaksin. Haven't returned to Thailand yet. But when Mr. Thaksin Returned to Thailand and the charges have already been reported since January 17th, including sending a letter requesting justice. As a result, the investigative team has launched a new investigation. Therefore, on April 10th, Mr. Thaksin will have to listen to the orders in person. Whether the prosecutor will see fit to order legal action or not The order will be divided into 3 appr oaches: 1. Order to sue 2. Not to sue. 3. Postpone the appointment to listen to the order. If the additional examination documents are not complete But no matter what the result is, Mr. Thaksin must be informed. If the prosecutor orders the prosecution, Mr. Thaksin must be brought. Enter the court process immediately But if there is an order Failure to prosecute the case is considered final at the prosecutor's level and the file must be forwarded to the Commissioner of the Royal Thai Police. To be considered like any other case because it is a case outside the Kingdom that the Attorney General has absolute authority to investigate and consider. Source: Thai News Agency