Thailand Recorder

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“Puangphet” ready to push the urban community fund and village fund

“Phuangphet” announces readiness to solve the problem. Push urban community funds and village funds back to strength. Prepare to send a team to survey and find more budget.

At 3:00 p.m., Mrs. Puangpetch Chunlaid, Minister attached to the Prime Minister's Office Meet and give policy “Driving the operations of the Urban Community Fund in the Bangkok area” organized by the National Village and Urban Community Fund Office At present, there are 79,610 city gathering funds nationwide, and Bangkok has 960 funds.

Nowpuangphet stated that it is a village fund or a city fund. Set up to make every community strong. You can help yourself. This will check which funds are still active. Which fund is out of order? And the city assembly has never set up a fund. Today we will come and dust off. Believe that in the era of economic downturn The fund will be able to help various communities. As for communities that have not yet registered, The community must be established. to set up a new fund There will also be a unit organized to restore funds in the area. To make the community strong during the economic downturn, we will dust off the budget for you, but you must consider the budget as well.

By Mr. Puangpetch Have a representative of a good performing fund explain the operating results. and funds that you want to improve

The reporter reported that earlier, representatives of various communities had presented and reflected on the problems of community funds from various districts. It was found that village fund operations were overdue. The law does not impose penalties in the case of repayment. benefiting people Delayed project development The death of the committee caused the committee to become inactive. Intermittent operations

Suggestions: I want the government to help start or clear the cards and set up a new fund, increasing the capital by another 1 million baht to increase working meetings. There is a central agency that solves problems for the fund, suspending debt payments, suspending both principal and interest. Reorganize village fund proportions and organize training to provide knowledge on every topic Rehabilitate village funds that have ceased operations and start over. and would like there to be coordination with educational institutions Let the graduates volunteer to help. .-Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency