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Rafting Khlong Song Phraek Amazing, rare image of an elephant in love.

Phang Nga, During Songkran, tourists book rafting trips to Khlong Song Phraek. Almost a thousand people per day And was also lucky to see rare pictures while doing tourist activities. Watching the elephants fall in love in the middle of the canal Tourism atmosphere in the Ban Song Phraek area Nature and adventure tourist attractions in Mueang District, Phang Nga Province during the past Songkran Festival until now. The atmosphere is lively. Tourists do activities such as riding a rubber raft, white water rafting in Khlong Song Phraek, and other adventure activities. There is also sitting on an elephant to admire nature. Activities to care for elephants, feed elephants, bathe elephants, extreme activities, etc., make each day there are both Thai and foreign tourists. They flock to travel, ride rubber rafts, raft on the canal, and participate in other activities. Have fun together Almost a thousand people per day What is very impressive for tourists is The rapids flow and there are many rocks and rapids, crea ting fun, excitement, and challenge. Along with both sides of the road, there are beautiful natural scenery to see throughout the rafting distance of 4 kilometers and 8 kilometers. And the lucky thing for this group of tourists is that they got to see a rare sight while doing activities for elephants in the canal, with a 40-year-old Phang Phimpha elephant and a 20-year-old Sido (short-tusked male elephant) named Guitar who were giving tourists a bath. They went in to snuggle together. Scream loudly Then the two of them tried to inherit their race naturally. Normally, tourists or the general public rarely see images like this. The mahout said that this pair of elephants had mated once, many years ago, but had not had any offspring. This time, the mahout tried to help them mate. But in the end it was not successful. Because the location is not suitable and Phimpha is not ready. Source: Thai News Agency