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“Rames” To Fake News confirms that there is no deal for Pheu Thai to support the vote for the chairman of the council.

Democrat May 27 - "Rames" counterfeit news accused People's Democratic Party joins golf course planning to establish government Confirmed that there is no deal for Pheu Thai to support a vote for the chairman of the council, believing that the 8 parties joining together to form a suitable person reiterates that the Democratic Party moves forward with all opposition to Section 112.

Mr. Rames Ratanachaweng, spokesman for the Democrat Party, revealed that he had to hold a press conference today. because otherwise it will mislead the public Because there was a reference to the Democrat Party talking at a golf course. By writing in the news that there is a second plan for the party to move forward Combined with Ruam Thai Sang Nation go into opposition and has a Pheu Thai party Palang Pracharat Party Democrat Bhumjaithai Party is the ruling party. I would like to assure you that everyone in the Democrat Party has no part in the thought process. Negotiations with any political party We have confirmed time and time again. Therefore, if there is news that Democrats have coordinated government with any political party I have to confirm that it's not true. Since the party is in the process of electing the party leader and the party committee has not yet finished. Because joining with any political party must be a party's resolution. by choosing a leader and party committee members waiting for the Election Commission to announce the endorsement of MPs official Which now reports that we have added 1 person, totaling 25 people, when it is clear, will enter the process of reviving the Democrat Party By reiterating the candidates in each area, summarizing and analyzing the cause of the election defeat. to propose a new committee for further consideration with the party members

“I affirm that we are not going to coordinate and collaborate to make changes. or forming a government It's just a case of distorting news that causes damage to the Democratic Party. The leader of the party that won the election to be coordinated or discussed anything It's about the leader. We are not in the process of setting up a government,” Rames said.

A spokesman for the Democrat Party continued that in the second case, there was a debate about the position of Speaker of the House. and alluding to the work of Chuan Leekpai, the Speaker of the Council I repeat, determining who is the Speaker of the House of Representatives is a matter for the political party that forms the government. The Democratic Party is not involved. However, according to the constitution, the chairman of the House also has the power to act as the President of the National Assembly which the powers and duties of the Speaker of the House of Representatives according to the constitution according to the rules of the meeting It has no duty to assist any political party in pushing forward various bills or laws that are beyond the constitution or regulations. Most importantly, the convention regulations state that it must remain neutral. to act

The part that claimed that the party would have the position of Speaker of the House. to push for legislation and others It is up to your party. giving opinions must be based on accuracy Confirmed that Mr. Chuan Leekpai's duties as Speaker of the House of Representatives in the past performs its duties perfectly, straightforwardly, and is fair to all parties adhere to the principles of neutrality

Mr. Rames also mentioned why he did not join in pushing for some of those laws. how to join like that When the legislation is invalid especially pushing the draft criminal law The abolition of Section 112, reducing the penalty for the offense of insulting officials and insulting the court, is inconsistent with the constitutional provisions. conflict with the performance of duties The president of the council does not exercise arbitrary power. Including allegations that Mr. Chuan did not push for various bills proposed by the people, such as the Sugar Cane and Sugar Bill, the Alcoholic Beverage Control Bill. or even draft amendments to the constitution that passed into the council during the reign of Mr. Chuan will see that there is no neglect In addition, Mr. Chuan also pay attention to work with transparency Through the Honest City project and meetings via electronic media Including organizing public hearings on proposing legislation.

Mr. Rames further said that we are concerned about the amendment of Section 112, although it is not specified in the MOU, but the draft has been proposed. By the Kao Far Party on March 25, 2021, in which this provision, the Democratic Party and the legal department have gathered facts because it is the figure that we are most worried about. Therefore, although it is not included in the MOU, but when it is a majority government, there is an opportunity to push Section 112 can be amended. We cannot be trusted. I repeat that the Democratic Party will participate in the fight against the most opposition. Otherwise, this bill will go out incorrectly.

A spokesman for the Democrat Party continued that in the event that the Pheu Thai Party and the Kao Klai Party still had conflicts about competing for the position of Speaker of the House. On this matter, he could not comment. and believes that in 8 parties forming a government There are people who can perform their duties well. But who to choose is a matter for the leaders to form the government. As for what scholars think there should be a third party to become the chairman of the council, it depends on the core in forming the government. Personally, he confirmed that there was no deal from the Pheu Thai Party. to ask the Democratic Party Help vote for the chairman of the Pheu Thai Party. Which the vote must be in accordance with the party's resolution And now the Democrat Party is in the process of choosing a new party leader and executive committee. therefore confirming that there is currently no synchronization Or talk to any party at all.-Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency