Thailand Recorder

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Internal Affairs

“Rangsiman” plans to call Thaksin to explain about ethnic groups. Country ties

Parliament, Chairman of the Steering Committee Ready to call relevant agencies to explain the issue of "Thaksin" negotiating with Myanmar ethnic groups. Point out that he has no position in the government. Worried about the results of negotiations binding the country Mr. Rangsiman Rome, list MP for the Kao Klai Party, as chairman of the Committee on State Security. Thai border affairs National Strategy and National Reform House of Representatives Referring to the movements of Mr. Thaksin Shinawatra, former Prime Minister, who met with Myanmar ethnic groups. to request to act as a mediator for peace negotiations in Myanmar, saying that he is concerned that what Mr. Thaksin is doing will create confusion about Thailand's role in creating peace in Myanmar. 'Mr. Thaksin has no position in the government. and the government has not assigned it to act as a representative of the government. He supports Thailand as a mediator to create peace in Myanmar. But it should be done in a correct and legitimate mechanism. But in the case of Mr. Thaksin, I don't know what happened, how he negotiated various matters,' said the Chairman of the Security Committee. As for Mr. Thaksin's negotiations, will they be binding on the government in implementing peace in Myanmar or not? Mr. Rangsiman said it was a matter of concern. Because the duty to develop international relations as Thailand's representative is Mr. Settha Thavisin, the Prime Minister, in which case the parliament is overseeing. But Mr. Thaksin has no position in the government. Therefore, there is no mechanism for regulating relationships. If Mr. Thaksin negotiates and accepts his word, it is as if he is binding on the government as well. It will cause problems in terms of work and inspection. 'This matter, the Committee must definitely investigate. Initially, on the day the committee visits Mae Sot District, Tak Province on May 12, there will be the case of Mr. Thaksin inserted. From the beginning I was going to look at humanitarian support. and collect information o n security policy In addition, we will call other agencies to talk because they have important implications for the country,' said the chairman of the Steering Committee. Mr. Rangsiman said that the role of negotiations in creating peace in Myanmar It should be the role and use of government agencies' mechanisms. Both the security department Ministry of Foreign Affairs Not as a person At the same time, the government's attitude towards the case of Prime Minister Thaksin, which Mr. Settha and Mr. Maris Sangiamphong, Minister of Foreign Affairs, It shows that in a manner of shirking responsibility and not acknowledging it, it can be a problem in both the actual leadership of the government. 'When the government doesn't deny what Mr. Thaksin did. This increases the power of Mr. Thaksin, making the negotiations no different from those of the government. This will have the effect of reducing the Prime Minister's leadership. Moreover, when there is no clear rejection It is a troubling problem as to who is the rea l Prime Minister and who has the decision-making authority,' said the Chairman of the Steering Committee. Mr. Rangsiman said that although ethnic groups in Myanmar are the ones calling for democracy in Myanmar, But Mr. Thaksin's picture of peace in Myanmar is not clear about what kind of democracy he wants. and in the past in the inspection of the Steering Committee The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has never been informed of its vision for peace in Myanmar. Therefore, if negotiations are made only for the State Executive Council of Myanmar or SAC, it will make peace unsustainable. Source: Thai News Agency