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RAOT organizes international academic conference Upgrading the entire rubber industry system

Chonburi, 'Minister Thammanat' presided over the opening ceremony of the academic conference organized by RAOT. with the International Rubber Research and Development Council Focus on research and innovation development Hoping to raise the level of the entire rubber industry system The Rubber Authority of Thailand (RAOT) together with the International Rubber Research and Development Council (International Rubber Research and Development Board: IRRDB) organized the International Rubber Conference (IRRDB International Rubber Conference: IRC 2024) under the concept of 'Sparking and strengthening rubber innovation towards a sustainable future' aiming to drive research and innovation towards Develop the rubber industry throughout the supply chain Captain Thammanat Promphao, Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives, presided over the opening of the meeting and welcomed representatives of research institutes from 19 member countries and provided guidelines to drive the rubber industry to meet important challenges . Both climate change and environmental degradation Thailand is a leader in rubber production and is therefore aware of determining the future direction of rubber products, which are an important economic crop. Therefore, this academic conference Therefore, it is an opportunity to exchange opinions. Share knowledge and cooperate in pushing for change in the rubber industry. Through exploring new ideas From experienced experts and young researchers Developing towards sustainable practices To drive every sector of the rubber industry in the future Mr. Nakorn Takwiraphat, Governor of the Rubber Authority of Thailand, said: Organizing this meeting is beneficial to developing effective research. Leading to the development of the rubber industry This year there are outstanding research and innovations. that can be further developed into the development of the rubber industry throughout the supply chain include: Rubber tapping system model that affects productivity efficiency Sustainability management from success ful smallholder farmers Innovation in risk management To increase income for farmers Production of alternative energy from natural rubber and research on the properties of protein-free natural rubber gloves. These are just some of the works that can be developed further. To raise the level of rubber to international standards In addition, all representatives of research institutes will also have a study tour of the process of collecting the products of the Bangbut Farmer Group. Rayong Province and rubber processing of the Bo Thong District Rubber Plantation Fund Cooperative Limited, Chonburi Province The Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives also presented various awards, including awards for those who have dedicated themselves to the rubber industry for a long time. Outstanding Research Award 2024, Young Scientist Award 2024 and certificates given to IRRDB associate members from the private sector as well. Source: Thai News Agency