Thailand Recorder

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Internal Affairs

Ready to take the proposal and improve it to benefit.

Parliament, "Bhoomtham" explains Senate meeting, confirming budget 67 is in line with national strategy. Master plan and government policy Distribute care to all groups of people Ready to receive proposals for improvement Arrange the budget for maximum benefit to the people. The Senate meeting today (March 26) began at 9:30 a.m. with Mr. Phonphet Wichitcholchai, President of the Senate, acting as meeting chairman. Considered the draft Budget Act for fiscal year 2024, with a budget limit of 3,480,000 million baht, which the House of Representatives voted to approve. Considered together with the report of the Special Committee to consider and study the draft budget bill for fiscal year 2024 of the Senate, which is studying in parallel with the House of Representatives. Mr. Phumtham Wechayachai, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Commerce As a representative of the government, he said that as the House of Representatives has passed a draft budget bill of 3,400,000 million baht for expenditures to recoup th e treasury. It is an expense of the budget receiving unit. So that the budget receiving unit has a budget framework. for spending in 2024, with the important principle being to be consistent with national strategy Master plan under the national strategy National Economic and Social Development Plan No. 13, National Policy and Plan on Security and give importance to the development of the bioeconomy circular economy With the BCG green economy model to drive the country towards stability. The people are happy 'Create fairness Reduce inequality Support sustainable economic growth and develop the government management system Meeting the needs of the people in every dimension Taking into account the needs and budget of the unit. Including budget allocation for all sections of the people. Especially vulnerable groups Give importance to local government organizations Increase the potential for mission transfer and public service provision. Improve efficiency in revenue collection Spending of local organizations Inc rease efficiency Budgeting to cover all financial sources By allowing the budget receiving unit to consider using extra-budget funds or remaining savings to carry out the mission of the budget receiving unit as a priority. Along with consideration of downgrading or canceling the implementation of low-level or no longer necessary important projects,' Mr. Phumtham said. Mr. Phumtham said that considering the readiness and ability to spend the budget. By taking the achievements in operations and the results of budget spending for the years 2022 and 2023 into consideration for allocation in line with the operational potential of the budget receiving unit. and proceed in accordance with the Act and the Constitution. Fiscal Discipline Act and the Budget Procedures Act Including relevant laws, regulations and Cabinet resolutions. 'The government takes this opportunity to thank the senators who participated in the consideration of this budget bill. And the government will listen to your comments. Advice, suggestion s and concerns that senators have made recommendations throughout the period This will be taken into consideration to improve the operations of the budget receiving agencies so that budget allocation is worthwhile and will bring maximum benefit to the people in a sustainable manner,' Mr. Phumtham said. General Chatudom Ditthasiri, Chairman of the Senate's Special Committee to Consider and Study the Draft Budget Act for Fiscal Year 2024, presented a report. The committee Assessing the creation of a policy for the government's 10,000 baht top-up project via digital wallet, which will issue a loan bill of 500,000 million baht, it will leave only 6 percent of fiscal space, which may not be enough to support the crisis that will occur in the future. along with suggestions for collecting revenue from income tax that must be collected in every sector It is fair and does not affect people with low incomes. And there must be swift and fair punishment measures to help have money collected efficiently for further devel opment of the country. For consideration, there are 25 senators who have expressed their intention to debate. It is expected that the debate will take a total of 3 hours and 42 minutes. Consideration of the budget bill Under the authority of the Senate, no amendment can be made. For the most part, it is only giving observations and voting to approve or disapprove. Source: Thai News Agency