Thailand Recorder

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Ready to work hard to bring stability to the country

Prime Minister leads the new Cabinet. The statement embraces the royal speech as a guideline for operations, emphasizing that it is a government that is the hope of the people. Ready to work hard to lead the country to prosperity, stability, and sustainability.

Mr. Settha Thavisin, Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Leading the new Cabinet (Cabinet), 34 people, took a photo together in front of the Thai Khu Fa Building. After visiting Taking the oath, the Prime Minister then announced that today (Sept. 5) he had brought the Cabinet to meet His Majesty the King. and will embrace the trend of His Majesty the King's royal speech as a guideline in carrying out official duties. Confirm that this government is a government of the people. And everyone who came here to represent all the people. This government intends There are many problems. We will work without forgetting our tiredness. Every day, every minute, we will take the needs of all people as our focus.

“Friday the 8th and Saturday the 9th of September, we will visit the provinces of Khon Kaen, Udon Thani and Nong Khai to discuss and understand the problems of the people. To be used as a guideline for work. And on Monday, September 11, there will be a statement of government policy to Parliament. This government will create legitimacy in the administration of government in a democratic system with the King as Head of State. by restoring a strong rule of law Efficient and transparent under the principle of public participation The government will create equal opportunities for the people. For the country to transition towards stability, prosperity and sustainability in the future. As for the special Cabinet meeting tomorrow, there will be only one topic discussed: preparation for a policy statement to Parliament,” the Prime Minister said.

As for whether the Prime Minister will be the head of the government's economic team or not, Mr. Settha said that the economy is an important issue that everyone in this government is giving importance to. But I would like to talk within the coalition government first. Because everyone should have good ideas. Then I will inform you. Similarly, the division of security work must be discussed first. Because some people are just meeting each other for the first time.

The Prime Minister mentioned that the 2024 annual budget is still delayed, which will come into effect in May 2024, saying that all ministers are aware of this problem. However, he thinks that there will be no obstacles in the administration of government. Whatever can be done first will be done immediately.

When asked how many months it would take to evaluate the Cabinet's work, the Prime Minister said it would depend on the matter because some matters may take a long time. and ask for fairness for all ministers But I believe that everyone understands the problems of the people. Therefore, it is a matter of speeding up work. Working until you forget your tiredness is not an issue. I would like to give all ministers a chance to work first.

As for the 10,000 baht digital wallet policy, will it be done in the first 100 days or not? The Prime Minister said he never said he would do it within 100 days, but he would try to do it as soon as possible. It is thought that this can be done in the first quarter of next year and confirmed that it will be paid in one installment.

When asked whether a government consisting of many political parties would have unity or not, the Prime Minister said: We are a government of the people. I believe that all ministers understand and are aware of the problems they face. Probably won't divide into parties. divide into factions but will put the interests of the people first

The Prime Minister spoke about his trip to the United Nations General Assembly. What should we do to make foreigners turn their attention to Thailand? There are still many things. I have to go talk. It depends on the matter of meeting with leaders in each country. and may meet business people as well But now I just started working. Please prepare for work first.

As for the referendum on amending the constitution through the Constituent Assembly (Constituent Assembly), the Prime Minister said that he would like to wait until after announcing the government's policy to the House of Representatives first. As for the appointment of the Deputy Prime Minister who will take care of legal matters. It is now set. But please wait until after the government announcement. Everything must be discussed. Because it is the government of the people We can't decide for ourselves. The opinion of every minister must be asked.

When asked if stating that this government is the hope of the people can tell how long it will take for the people to have more money, the Prime Minister said that it is a question that he believes every citizen would like to know. Today, the problem of living and feeding is the biggest and most important issue that Thailand is facing every day. I am confident that all ministers will work hard. Try to promote policies that are beneficial to the people. Some things can be done quickly. Some things are slow. But I won't use it as an excuse not to do everything.

When asked about talking with ministers of the Pheu Thai Party at lunch yesterday. At one point stated “What work can't be done? To change people.” Mr. Settha clarified that he did not mean that. But it means that whatever can be done, do it first. Whatever is stuck, continue doing it. But it's not a reason not to do anything.

“There is no honeymoon period. Because since the government form It goes into the storage area. Listen to opinions from the public But still can't give orders. We must wait for government policy announcements before we can give orders. And on Friday, we will go to the northeastern region to collect more data,” the Prime Minister said.

As for whether to sleep at Government House or not, the Prime Minister smiled and stated that he would like to see first.

When asked if the Prime Minister could speak one sentence as loudly as possible to what the people wanted to say the most, the Prime Minister thought silently before saying that it would be difficult to say just one sentence. We ask that you have confidence in this government that we have true intentions. We are aware of the problems faced by citizens. Whether it's economic division of thought The government will give equal importance to and try to move forward and deal with this problem as quickly as possible And I am confident that the coalition government that is together here will be warm forever. Because they have the same goal.

Source: Thai News Agency