Thailand Recorder

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Internal Affairs

Recommend adjustments to measures to protect the royal procession Ready to practice response plans

Parliament, "Ekanat" proposes a motion to review measures to protect the royal convoy. Recommend modernization and have a plan to deal with the situation. Prevent conflicts from escalating into a single drop of honey. "Jurin" asks for improvements. The Safety Dedication Act of 2017 is ready to grant amnesty to the committee. Receive the matter for consideration Mr. Ekanat Promphan, list MP for the Ruam Thai Sang Chart Party. Debate urgent motion Requesting the House of Representatives to consider and review protection measures to ensure the safety of the royal convoy. The decision was made to propose an urgent motion today. This follows the incident on February 4, where there was publicized disruption to the royal procession. It created a feeling of sadness for the Thai people. Because from seeing the clip I was shocked because the royal procession used as a thoroughfare was very short. Obviously, the offering of safety that day Proceed with caution so as not to affect the traffic of the people. and it does not appear that there is any road closure. Or block the movement of people. There are blocks at regular intervals to allow traffic to flow normally. But it appeared that there was the perpetrator's car. Running at speed with clear intentions The royal procession had already passed and was still trying to chase after the royal procession. Until the car at the rear had to come and keep the perpetrator's car away. And after that, another clip appeared that made it clear what the intentions of the perpetrator that day were. Mr. Ekanat said that after seeing the clip Believe that their feelings are the same as many members of the House of Representatives. and feel the same as many citizens which he felt very angry Why must you do this? But there was one sentence that made him feel less angry, namely the royal speech of of His Majesty the King who said that Thailand is the Land of compromise or Thailand It is a land of compromise that brings awareness and reduces anger. 'In fact, this kind of behavior Not to ment ion the behavior that happened with the royal procession. Just social etiquette When walking to get into the elevator, you still have to avoid each other's way. even on the road Have manners in traveling in traffic. and what they expected after the incident What will the officials do? But it appears that the incident occurred on February 4th. We have been waiting for almost a week. It appears that the attitude is still not clear. Until February 10, the perpetrators were too bold and went to conduct a poll at BTS Siam until it resulted in clashes between people who were dissatisfied with the perpetrators,' Mr. Ekanat said. Mr. Ekanat also said that the person who proposed the motion had no intention of speaking in order to aggravate the rift. There is already a rift in the feelings of both sides. But I see that this incident should not happen again. And if we finally neglect the situation as we have seen, on February 10th there will be protests. There were clashes among the people. If we don't manage quickly, it will escalate into division and violence that could end in a national conflict. 'We ask the officials to help enforce the law immediately. for peace and order so that the situation does not escalate It is the duty of officials and related agencies to speed up enforcement of the law. Nothing is above the law. The exercise of rights and freedoms has a clear framework that must not violate the rights and freedoms of others. and must not violate any law According to the events that happened,' Mr. Ekanat said. Mr. Ekanat also suggested reviewing various regulations and measures. Including plans to provide safety protection for the royal procession. Even though the current law considered modern According to the Safety Act But in their opinion, because this mission is important And this kind of incident is not the first time. Until it made him worry that If we do not review the measures strictly, it will be neglectful. Until it became fashionable to act in this way. It is a new value that has arisen. And I don' t want to imagine if I let it escalate further than this. In this regard, it is seen that there must be improvements in regulations and plans for operations that have been in place since 2005, while the conflict situation and social context have changed a lot in the past 10 years, even the definition of threats. or attempts to disturb the royal procession or causing harm has changed Because he couldn't imagine that something like this would happen. But it has already happened. Therefore, if the law is updated, the measures regulations must also be updated according to law. It must be concise, clear, have a host, and have clear boundaries. I don't want there to be a debate in the performance of my duties. Whose event has it happened? The issue of providing safety and honoring the King is a very important mission. It takes clarity and, most importantly, practice. 'Did you see that? As soon as there was an incident, the video was recorded immediately. Like this, officials must have training, support plans, wha t they can do and what they can't do. What can't the people who caused the crime do? When an incident occurs, what is the first thing that must be communicated to the perpetrator? Because that sentence is the most important sentence. This is considered the beginning of the legal process. But I went to watch the clip. I would like not to criticize the officers' performance more than this. Because I understand that in the various measures plan It may not be clearly posted. No training There is no manual for performing duties. But I hope that after this incident nothing like this will happen again,' Mr. Ekanat said. Mr. Ekanat said that the most important thing is communication with the people. Because it must be accepted that in the mission of offering safety There is nowhere in the world that does not affect the lives and livelihoods of the people at all. But I believe that the people understand. and is considered safe for the public as well 'I would like to send a signal through the government to the releva nt agencies. Improve communication to various agencies. Because I'm worried that If you let it pass by, ignore it. And we are not strict, this kind of event will turn into a drop of honey. That led to chaos and clashes among the people. There was a rift. And I would like to emphasize that we want to see the country be peaceful. I don't want there to be behavior or fashion values ??that come out to undermine the institution. which is the main institution of the country That is why I have decided to propose this as an urgent motion. for members of the House of Representatives to consider The government must expedite action with relevant agencies to enforce the law and review regulations, plans, and measures for the safety of the Royal Procession to be appropriate. There is modern training. and public relations with the public It is considered safety and honor to preserve the nation's main institutions,' Mr. Ekanat said. As for Mr. Jurin Laksanawisit, Democrat Party list MP. join in proposing the said motion fo r the reason that Myself and the Democrat Party Have a clear standpoint Giving importance to democratic governance with the King as Head of State who want to maintain the legal provisions protecting the head of the country, such as Section 112, as civilized countries do and has a position in offering safety as a matter of utmost importance which provides security starting from the King, Queen, Heir to the Throne, and members of the Royal Family of the Prince and above. Including the Regent and Royal Visitors. Providing safety for these people is extremely important. Therefore, when there was an incident threatening the procession of Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn which is greatly respected and loved by Thai people all over the country on February 4th, that is why it is necessary for myself and members to propose this motion and cannot ignore such actions. With the intention of the council It was resolved to send opinions to the government for consideration and action. and that the Special Committee to consider and study the guidelines for the enactment of the Amnesty Act of the House of Representatives be taken into consideration as well. In this regard, he has at least 3 opinions regarding the behavior that threatens the royal procession: 1. He considers it to be a highly inappropriate act. It is more than the loyal Thai people can accept and is an insult to the King who is the heart of the people. 2. The procession did not close the road. It clearly reflects His Majesty's kindness to the people, evident beyond any description. Even though he had to work hard and must arrive on time 3. He sees that the rights and freedoms of the Thai people are the heart of democracy with the King as Head of State. But the exercise of freedom Must not infringe on the rights and freedoms of others. No matter who that person is or what status they have. Then you must use your rights and freedoms within the scope of the law. Jus t like every civilized country in this world does. In addition, those responsible for providing safety, besides the government agencies of His Majesty, are important mechanisms. It is a government with the Prime Minister as the head. To be in accordance with the Safety Act of 2017, Section 6 states that every government agency consisting of ministries, bureaus, departments, etc., has the duty to provide safety. or cooperate in offering safety 'I do not wish to make this a political matter. But the Prime Minister, as the head of the government and as the person who orders the performance of government duties The Royal Thai Police must admit that they came out and sent a signal of responsibility rather late. The incident occurred on February 4, 2024, and on February 7, 2024, there was a clash at the Siam BTS station. Until February 10, 2024, 7-8 days after the incident, the Prime Minister called the National Police Commissioner and relevant officials to discuss measures. Regarding the security of the royal pr ocession,' Mr. Jurin said. Mr. Jurin said that he would like to present 4 proposals for the council to consider. 1. The government must be aware of its duty to provide safety according to the law. Including making it safe and honorable with awareness, enthusiasm, and loyalty. You should expedite the review of measures so that such an incident does not happen again. 2. Let the government adhere to the rule of law. Strictly enforce the law regardless of which party. To make the law sacred and not promote illegal acts in the future. 3.As the government has a majority vote Both in the House of Representatives and in the Special Committee considering the enactment of the Amnesty Act. The government must not support amnesty for offenses in Section 112 cases because this will not only spark a new round of conflict in the future. It is also equivalent to promoting additional offenses under Section 112. Including the chaos of the royal procession, it reinforces that we do not promote amnesty for crimes under Sectio n 112. 4. The government should consider jointly with various parties. related and carefully consider everything in all aspects that Is it appropriate to revise the Safety Act of 2017 by adding specific penalties to those who violate this act? The current situation is when law enforcers have to bring provisions of other laws to compare with, such as Section 112, Section 116, etc. This matter therefore asks the government to consider whether it is appropriate or not and what form of action will be taken. What next? Including considering that it is necessary to review various regulations and measures. Is there more? Mr. Jurin said that these four points are in order for Thailand to have a democratic government with the King as Head of State that is strong and sustainable forever. and as a member of the House of Representatives One person and as a loyal Thai citizen like Thai people all over the country. I would like to offer encouragement to Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn. With great loyal ty. Source: Thai News Agency