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Relatives of the 14-year-old gunman’s victim are confident that the Pho Dam gang killed them to show off their potential.

Nakhon Phanom,, Relatives believe the Nakhon Phanom 'Bodhi Gang Gang' was involved in the death of a 14-year-old boy, intending to kill him to show off his potential. On the other hand, the police confirmed that they are strictly prosecuting the case because they are a group of youths. Progress on the case of the death of a 14-year-old boy, a resident of Sri Songkhram Subdistrict Municipality, Sri Songkhram District, Nakhon Phanom Province, attacked by a gang of wild youths. riding a motorcycle One shot in the head, causing death. The police have a clip from CCTV footage as important evidence. As for the root cause, it is believed that it came from a quarrel. between teenagers Show your local identity and caused by excitement Most recently, the relatives of the deceased Came out to reveal that About 2 weeks earlier, the deceased group had a quarrel with Inter-village youth groups are in the same district. that creates conflicts on a regular basis is called The "Bodhi Dam Gang" is therefore confident that t here will be a repeat of this incident. In order to show off the power of the local people. In addition, from examining the history, it was found that the Pho Dam gang Have you ever committed a shooting incident? Machine guns fired at enemies at traditional merit-making ceremonies It caused the death of a young woman. Three people were able to arrest the perpetrators, who were members of the Pho Dam gang. But I believe that there is still a team of people who are still energetic and show off their potential. Showing the power of the locals to cause the incident again. However, Pol. Col. Sri Nakhon Naiwat, superintendent of Sri Songkhram Police Station, stated that he admits that youth groups in the area often have problems with lively quarrels. And there was an incident of physical harm to each other until death. Until recently, another 14-year-old boy was shot dead. As for the whereabouts of the gang, Now there is a clear target group that is expected to be involved. But the prosecution process must be stri ct because he is a juvenile. The village headman of Pak Pun community, Village No. 1, Sri Songkhram Si Song Subdistrict Municipality, revealed that he acknowledged that the problem occurred. It is the excitement of the children and youth. Don't blame any agency. Because preventive measures have been put in place all along. But most teenagers still try to cause quarrels and quarrels on a regular basis. with high spirits Accepted that it is a problem within the youth group However, it is believed that the police They have the skills to work quickly to investigate and track down criminals for sure. Source: Thai News Agency