Thailand Recorder

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Internal Affairs

Resolution to file for dissolution moves forward There is evidence to believe that the government was overthrown.

Election Commission, The Election Commission explains its decision to submit to the Constitutional Court to dissolve the Kaew Klai Party. There is evidence that should be believed to have overthrown the government. Reporters reported that Office of the Election Commission A news document was issued confirming the resolution. The Election Commission sent the Constitutional Court to order the dissolution of the Kao Klai Party, stating that according to the Constitutional Court's decision No. 3/2024 on January 31, 2024 in the case of Mr. Teerayut Suwannakesorn, the Constitutional Court is to consider the decision according to Section 49. of the Constitution that the actions of Mr. Pitha Limcharoenrat Progressive party leader and the Progressive Party that proposed a draft of the Criminal Code Amendment Act (No. ..) B.E. to repeal Section 112 of the Criminal Code by using it as a policy for campaigning for elections. and continues to operate continuously It is the use of rights or freedoms to overthrow the demo cratic regime of government with the monarchy. Is His Majesty the Head of State according to Section 49, paragraph one of the Constitution? The Constitutional Court unanimously ruled that the actions of the two respondents were an exercise of their rights. or freedom to overthrow the existing democratic regime The King is Head of State according to Section 49, paragraph one of the Constitution. Today (March 12), the Office of the Election Commission has presented the results of the study and analysis of the Constitutional Court's decision to the Election Commission, seeing that there is evidence to believe that the Kao Klai Party committed acts of subverting the election. Govern in a democratic system with the King as Head of State. and commit acts that may be hostile to democratic governance with the King as Head of State according to Section 92, paragraph one (1) and (2) of the 2017 Political Parties Act. The Election Commission has considered the results of the study and analyzed the decision of the Cons titutional Court and unanimously resolved to submit a petition to the Constitutional Court to order the dissolution of the Kaew Klai Party. By assigning the registrar Political parties file petitions and prosecute cases on behalf of the Election Commission according to Section 93, paragraph two of the same organic act. Source: Thai News Agency