Thailand Recorder

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Revealing the history of “Big Tor”, the 14th Police Commander.

Revealing the biography of "Big Tor" Pol. Gen. Torsak Sukwimon after the meeting of the Police Commission voted 9 to 2 in favor of appointing him to the position of Police Commander. 14

Pol. Gen. Torsak Sukwimon, the new Royal Thai Police Commissioner (police commander), has the nicknames "Dhamma Detective" and "Robocop of Merit" and is the younger brother of Air Chief Marshal Sathitphong Sukwimon, Secretary-General of the Royal Palace and Royal Secretary to His Majesty the King, graduated with a bachelor's degree from the Faculty of Political Science, Thammasat University or Singha Daeng, Class 38, a Master of Arts degree from Sripatum University before entering the police service. Used to be an employee of Caltex Oil Company for 7 years, earning a salary of up to 80,000 baht, but resigned to pursue a childhood dream. That is, being a 'policeman' in this round, he is the only police chief candidate who has not graduated from the Royal Police Cadet Academy. and is retiring from government service in 2024

Police General Torsak Begin your police career with the position of Deputy Inspector. Patrol and Special Operations Division 191, before becoming superintendent in 2016, he spent only 4 years and 3 months. In the promotion from Pol. Col. to Pol. Lt. Gen. until he rose to become Pol. Gen. Currently, he is responsible for many parts. Both the head of the Center for Suppression of Intellectual Property Infringement Auto Theft Suppression Center Suppression Prevention Administration Center Center for Suppression of Illegal Deforestation Natural resources and environment and the Center for the Prevention and Suppression of Motor Racing in

Name of Police General Torsak It was talked about a lot during the no-confidence debate on February 19, 2023 at the Forward Party MPs. Discussion alludes to the case of the 'elephant ticket' used to appoint Promote police officer Using the power to appoint civil servants outside of one's own division and has a close relationship with the Prime Minister Until he was exempted from the rules and quickly promoted to a high position. – Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency