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Revealing the mystery of the murder of a famous wealthy woman from Chanthaburi.

Chanthaburi, The murder case of a famous wealthy family in Chanthaburi Province was found dead in a pond. Recently, police have arrested two suspects and confessed to the reasons for their killings. But the police are still not convinced. After the body of Ms. Panithi Kosalanun was found dead in a pond in the middle of a fruit orchard behind a house that was an old gas station in Makham District, Chanthaburi Province, on Monday, January 22. come In a state of physical abuse until the bones on both sides of his ribcage were broken. Including a serious wound to the head. It is thought that he died 3 days ago, probably a murder. Because the deceased was a millionaire And there may be an issue of debt killing. Yesterday (January 24), police at Makham District Police Station arrested one suspect in this case, Mr. Krit, along with a motorcycle believed to be the vehicle used in the incident. Mr. Krit claimed that he was just a driver taking the perpetrator to collect a debt for wages from the deceased. and passe d on to other perpetrators Recently today (January 25), police were able to arrest one more person involved in the incident, Mrs. Pui or Somsuda, at Khemarat District, Ubon Ratchathani Province. They will be brought to Chanthaburi for questioning. While this afternoon, Mr. Krit was brought in to make a plan to compile a confession. It started when Mr. Krit and Mrs. Pui drove the car following the deceased to the house. Mr. Krit parked his car and waited outside the house. After 20 minutes had passed, Mrs. Pui came out and called for Mr. Krit to follow her into the house. Found the deceased slumped on the floor on the stairs. Then remove the CCTV cameras and servers and take them to destroy evidence. Mr. Krit also claims that there were 3 people who caused the incident, with Mrs. Pui being the one who planned it. And there was another man, both of whom went to attack the deceased in the house. A man wearing a robe lifted the deceased's body over his shoulder and walked into the garden. There was Mrs. Pui ho lding a light to light the way. Personally, Mr. Krit acted as the driver and waited in front of the house. Therefore, they did not know that the two men had thrown the deceased's body into the pond. Mr. Krit said that the cause of the killing came from Mrs. Pui having borrowed money from the deceased, approximately 30 million baht. Later on the evening of January 19, he planned to borrow an additional 600,000 baht. Mrs. Pui made up a story that there was someone who Lying sick in bed at the hospital, he will make a will to bequeath his fortune to Mrs. Pui. And Mrs. Pui will use the money to pay off the debt. By having Mr. Krit present himself as a lawyer. But the deceased didn't believe it. And refused to lend another 600,000 baht, so he planned to commit debt-killing murder. Police have now arrested two suspects in the murder of a Chanthaburi millionaire. As for the other man wearing a robe, who the accused testified about, is it true or not? The police are still not convinced. Initial charges have been fi led against two people who have been arrested, including murdering another person with premeditation. Hidden destruction of corpses to conceal death For the deceased with the last name Kosalanun It is considered to be an old family in Chanthaburi Province. There have been news of land inheritance disputes. Many lawsuits have been filed in the area. Source: Thai News Agency