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Roi Et is bustling! “Settha-Paethongthan” Kick off “30 baht, treatment everywhere”

Roi Et, Roi Et is bustling! "Settha-Pae Thongthan" Kick off "30 baht, treatment everywhere" Tens of thousands of people flocked to attend the "Ung Ing" event, greeting in Isaan language. Tell the starting point from The "Thaksin government" 22 years ago was amidst scandals - encountering many negative discourses. Today, the "Seththa government" moves forward to build on the "Prime Minister" hoping to be a policy to help Thai people have a good quality of life. To drive the country's economy and society At Saket Nakhon Square, in front of Vote Hall 101, Roi Et Province, Mr. Settha Thavisin, Prime Minister and Minister of Finance along with the Cabinet, including Ms. Paethongthan Shinawatra, leader of the Pheu Thai Party As Vice Chairman of the National Health System Development Board Participated in the opening ceremony of the Kick off activity "30 baht, treatment everywhere" which is another main policy of the government. As soon as the Prime Minister and his delegation arrived at the event area in front o f Vote Hall 101, there were heads of government agencies, including local MPs and more than 10,000 Roi Et citizens waiting to welcome them and compliment them on how beautiful the shirt the Prime Minister was wearing before the Prime Minister was able to say thank you. The area provided In addition, people joined together with Chu. "Mock ID card" which is the symbol of the "30 baht, treatment everywhere" project. After that, the Prime Minister walked to greet the people who attended the event with a cheerful attitude. along with taking selfies with the public At one point he took pictures with villagers, with Ms. Pae Thongtan as the photographer. Before the pair went to take pictures together Amidst the cheerful atmosphere The Prime Minister then viewed the exhibition. 'What do people get from the policy of one ID card that can be used everywhere?' along with watching the Amazing Roi Et show, good policies for Thai people, and VTR 'One ID card policy that can be used everywhere.' Ms. Pae Thongthan greeted her in Isaan language, saying, "Thank you so much for coming," then reported on the progress and origins of the project. I'm pleased to be here to communicate the message that the government is building on the 30 baht policy to cure all diseases. That has been beneficial to our Thai brothers and sisters for 22 years. Today will be 1 day in the history of Thailand. Because the Thai public health system will be upgraded to be more modern with the use of technology that increases each year to collect data and increase efficiency. Let the public health system continue to improve and provide citizens with better services More quality, easier to access 30 baht to treat every disease has been around for more than 22 years. That day, we made a change so that all Thai people have access to medical care. Today is the time for us to develop a policy of 30 baht to cure every disease. Make it a policy of 30 baht for treatment everywhere. Make Thailand's public health system more systematic. In addition to free treatment The service is also better, more thorough and modern. Ms. Pae Thongthan further said that on that day, Mr. Thaksin Shinawatra was the Prime Minister. Only 2 months after the government was established, provinces began piloting the 30 baht project to treat all diseases. Gradually done until complete throughout the country. Today, the government under the leadership of Prime Minister Settha Thavisin, 7 January 2024, is considered the start of the policy by piloting it in 4 provinces: Phrae, Phetchaburi, Narathiwat, and Roi Et, with other provinces not waiting long to cover the entire country. 'We won't have to wait. Wasting time at the hospital Go to the hospital according to your household registration. No need to waste all day waiting. You don't have to wait too long to receive medicine; get your blood tested and history checked before seeing the doctor. Can be done at the health center. or a clinic near your home that is in the NHSO network and in some cases you don't have to come to the hospital. You can use telemedicine to talk with a doctor online. And when we receive the medicine, we can consult with the pharmacist online face to face. You can make an appointment online through the Doctor Prompt application.' Ms. Pae Thongthan said that we sincerely hope that this policy will be able to change the lives of our brothers and sisters forever like 30 baht to cure every disease has done 22 years ago. We started on April 8th. Today we Starting January 7th Changing technology will make our policies stronger. And of course the government will continue with very good projects. It's already better. more efficient Answering the needs of the people According to the times, more and more Thank you to those who pushed and created 30 baht to cure every disease, including Dr. Sa-nguan Nittayaramphong. The late Dr. Suraphong Suebwonglee and the push of former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra that made Thailand have a good health insurance structure. If there wasn't a 30 baht project that day, today it would be more diffi cult for us to work. Even at that time there were many things that were not understood. There is a lot of pessimistic rhetoric. Today everyone has seen that 30 baht can cure every disease. It has really changed the lives of the people for the better. That means good policy can change our lives. Today, the government has come back to pick up the baton, making 30 baht to treat every disease to 30 baht to treat everywhere. We will never stop making good policies even better. While the Prime Minister He opened the Kick off activity "30 baht, treatment everywhere" and said: Hello, parents and siblings. I am a poor person. How are you? I feel honored and pleased to be able to open the event of the 30 baht treatment everywhere policy. With a single ID card today, thank you to all agencies in every sector. Both government and private agencies, various professions, citizens, including village health volunteers in every pilot province that help drive policy. It is a pleasure that all parties helped push this project t o concrete success. and provide maximum benefit to the health of all Thai citizens. It raises the level of national health insurance so that citizens can use a single ID card to receive treatment in all shortcut networks. and the private sector is one of the government policies that they have announced to parliament. which gives importance to increasing the quality of life of all people, all groups, in every area and is the main focus policy of the Ministry of Public Health Encourage the linkage of health data from agencies at every level and under every affiliation. Giving people access to health services that are more convenient and faster with just one ID card. It also facilitates access to information for medical personnel. The Prime Minister said that in addition, we have upgraded the service unit to be a smart hospital that uses digital technology to provide health services to the people, such as electronic health records, issuance of digital medical certificates. Ordering medicine online online appoin tments, etc. 'Because we see the importance of time and quality of life for our fellow citizens. Therefore, digital technology is used to raise the level of digital health services. Taking into account cyber security And protection of personal information is important to ensure the safety of citizens and help reduce congestion in hospitals. Reduce waiting time and reduce public health costs He sincerely hopes that the 30 baht policy will be maintained everywhere. with one ID card It will help all Thai people receive health care anywhere, so that all Thai people are healthy. Have power in life and have a good quality of life It is an important force in driving the country's economy and society forward,' the Prime Minister said. The Prime Minister then took a group photo with ministers and officials involved in driving the 30 baht treatment project everywhere. This is considered the official opening of the project. Before returning to Bangkok Immediately. Source: Thai News Agency