Thailand Recorder

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“Rome” hijacks to prevent shooting incidents fear of imitating

NACC, 23 March- "Rome" urges government agencies Don't let the shooting in Phetchaburi province. is normal speed up measures Fear of becoming a cause for plagiarism

Mr. Rangsiman Rome, former party-list MP and spokesman for the Progressive Party Mentioned the shooting incident in Phetchaburi province that it was a tragedy and an event that happened over and over again. Until Thai society sees it as normal and something that is scary. Therefore, government agencies and those involved must urgently correct and find clear measures, otherwise the incident will continue to happen. And will see that things like this are normal, however, do not want to see that the action of the staff is delayed Only such a thing unprotected Personally, I see that the shooting incident is an event in the form of imitation. Therefore, it should be protected Including measures to take care of carrying guns or possessing guns.-Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency