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RRT released a clip of “Talk to Uncle” revealing the comfortable corner of “Uncle Tu”

Bangkok, The Royal Thai Police released a clip of "Talking to Uncle" of "General Prayut" friendly in a light story. Both life as a child, family, hobbies and work that are different from the personality that society has seen.

The Ruam Thai Sang Chat Party Facebook page published a clip of “Talking with Uncle”, a short video clip of about 7 minutes. Gen. Prayut Chan-o-cha, chairman of the strategy and policy of the Ruam Thai Sang Chart Party in a comfortable atmosphere by Gen. Prayut wearing a white shirt yellow leaf pattern black slacks Have a friendly conversation with the team. Most of the conversations are about their personal lives. Since childhood, hobbies, sports and family life are cute.

Clip start content General Prayut Telling about the origin of the name "Prayut" by stating that it came from while he was born in the military camp in Nakhon Ratchasima Province, having practiced battles, so his father named him "Prayut Prayut". "maneuver", but when the father went to see the doctor He asked to be changed to "Prayut" only, so he got this name from birth. And from that day to this day, I have to fight all the time. As the name implies, it means "fight".

General Prayut He also told me that in his childhood he was a naughty boy until he was punished by his father until he was beaten, feeling very hurt. At that time, he was over ten years old. Decided to run away from home by riding a bicycle out in the evening. But when I went out for a while, I thought about where to go. But can't find an answer to where to go. therefore decided to return home by himself with the father standing and waiting Along with asking where he went out, he just said he went out to play. but knowing that his father knew that he was touched by the punishment which is considered an experience in childhood Along with saying The father is the head of the family, fierce, but kind and reasonable. Mother is a kind person.

General Prayut Also answered questions about going out to play Songkran with the people on Khao San Road during the past Songkran that he actually intended to visit the police. in order to encourage and instruct people to take good care of the people But when he entered, he was able to play Songkran water with the real people. Because personally, he has not played Songkran since he was a child. make yourself unconscious legs go smooth hair handsome but came out with fluffy hair Until today, still tired

As for someone who said that the Prime Minister opened fire on Songkran Day General Prayut said it was a water shot that put auspiciousness on it. He never went to harm anyone. It is normal for people to have both haters and lovers. So I didn't think anything.

When asked if you've watched the series? Gen. Prayut said he also watched the series. But never finish watching because it's not fun, resulting in dozens of outstanding series. But the story that has been watched until the end is the Korean series Desendents of the Sun where the protagonist is a soldier and Crash Landing on you and also watched Korean retro series. Or other old movies as well because it's fun to watch. especially about the military with conflict but didn't want it to happen Because it was a cruel, cruel event, but it looked all over.

General Prayut Also mentions the criticism that he is a fierce person that he really is not that kind of person. I want you to sympathize with me, but I understand and try to adapt. Until today, trying to joke and tell the truth, showing that now the reporter is happy when he is like this A lot of questions disappeared. shows that in the past he might have been provoked to be angry Nowadays, he greets him with a smile, the journalists like him, but he says he can't write much.

When asked if he watched Premier League football and which team he liked, Gen. Prayut replied that he liked Manchester City in the past, while having fun talking about English football. Especially the point that the Liverpool team was shot 7-0 that they sympathize with because people criticize that they have never lost to this extent.

Finally, when asked if he was a womanizer and how to flirt with his wife Gen. Prayut said that most people would think that soldiers are flirty. But by nature, he is a perverse person. likes to tell jokes to make him laugh But he was faithful to one wife. talk to wife every day love my wife every day And my wife used to be plagued by forgetting important dates such as Valentine's Day or birthdays. It took a long time to reconcile. because sometimes forget So he didn't know what his wife was angry about. He had to be reconciled by saying, “I'm sorry, it wasn't my intention.”

However, as soon as the said clip was published There are many visitors who come to watch and share. which is regarded as a video clip that allows the public to know General Prayut in another corner Most came to express their appreciation. Along with requesting to produce a lot of video clips like this in order to follow and show that General Prayut not a fierce person as seen in the news and ready to support General Prayut and Ruam Thai Sang Chart Party In this election as well. – Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency