Thailand Recorder

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RTA does not agree with going too far, proposing to the House of Representatives to set up a committee to study the jurisdiction of constitutional courts.

"Uniting Thailand to Build a Nation" disagrees with "Moving Forward" and proposes an urgent motion for the House of Representatives to set up a special committee to study the powers of the Constitutional Court. Raise 3 reasons that may violate the constitution Intrusive on the jurisdiction of the court And there are conflicts of interest. He emphasizes that the council is a place that protects the interests of the people. It is not in the interests of political parties. On March 12, the Ruam Thai Sang Chart Party called a meeting of party MPs with Mr. Ekanat Promphan, list MP. The party's secretary-general chaired the meeting, Mr. Akaradej Wongpitakroj, Ratchaburi MP, spokesman for the Ruam Thai Sang Chart Party. Statement after the party meeting said The party has considered an urgent motion submitted by the Kao Klai Party to the House of Representatives to set up a special committee to study the scope of power of the Constitutional Court and the scope of power of the legislature. The party held a detailed meeting on this matter regarding the suitability of the Kaew Klai Party to propose such an urgent motion to insert into the regular meeting agenda for the House to consider this week. In this regard, the party's resolution was unanimous in disagreeing with the urgent motion of the Progressive Party. It is considered that such an urgent motion may violate the Constitution because the Constitution clearly defines the powers of the executive, legislative, and judicial branches. Therefore, this motion was introduced into the House of Representatives. It may be against the constitution. Mr. Akradet said that the second reason that the party views the submission of the motion of the Kao Kai Party is an invasion of the jurisdiction of the court is because there is an Organic Act regarding the procedures of the Constitutional Court. Clearly specify the powers, procedures and procedures for deciding related cases under the jurisdiction of the Constitutional Court. Therefore, submitting a motion of this kind, the par ty views it as a clear encroachment on the power of the Constitutional Court because there is a clearly stated Constitutional Act regarding the procedures of the Constitutional Court in considering cases. A spokesman for the Ruam Thai Sang Chart Party said that reason number 3 the party views is a conflict of interest. Currently, the Election Commission Or the Election Commission has already filed a case for dissolution of the Kao Kao Party to the Constitutional Court regarding the amendment of Section 112 of the Criminal Law, which is the campaign policy of the Kao Kao Party. And the result of the Constitutional Court's past judgments is that the Kaew Kai Party's attempt to amend Section 112 is an erosion and undermining of the process of democratic governance. with the King as Head of State Therefore, the Kao Klai Party submitted an urgent motion for the House to consider. The party therefore views it as using the council's mechanisms to directly preserve benefits for the Progressive Party. Even though the mechanism of the House should be a platform for protecting the interests of the people, not protecting the interests of any one political party. 'For all three reasons, the Ruam Thai Sang Chart Party has unanimously resolved not to agree with the urgent motion of the Progressive Party that the House of Representatives consider setting up an extraordinary committee. Studying the matter, the party also sees it as putting pressure on the Constitutional Court during this period where cases involving the Forward Party are being considered, and it may be seen as a desire to reduce the credibility of the Constitutional Court in adjudicating cases. The Kao Klai Party was sent to the Constitutional Court by the Election Commission to consider dissolving the party. Therefore, in order for the trial to be pure and fair. Therefore, this motion should not be taken into consideration by the House of Representatives. It should be left to the mechanism of the Constitutional Court. in the trial In order to ensure fairness to the complainant and the respondent,' said a spokesman for the Ruam Thai Sang Chart Party. Source: Thai News Agency