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Rushing to hunt for 2 mysterious young men who drive a sedan, splash acid, female high school students, Grade 6

Buriram, Aug. 28 – Nangrong Police Station police are rushing to track down two criminals driving a sedan to park in front of the restaurant as ordered. Before carrying a bucket of acid and splashing it on a female student in Grade 6, her aunt and aunt were in serious condition.

Yesterday (August 27, 2023), police from Nang Rong Police Station, Buriram Province, investigated the incident. The two assailants were men wearing black suits and masks covering their faces. Attacked and splashed acid on a female student in Grade 6 while eating, in a coma, and the aunt and aunt sitting together were also hit.

At the scene of the accident, opening a made-to-order food shop, Nong Aum, 18, a grade 6 student at a school in Nang Rong District, Buriram Province, was splashed with acid on her face, chest area, and her body burned. His clothes were torn and frayed by the effects of the acid. groaned in burning pain first aid rescue unit Before hurrying to take him to Nang Rong Hospital

As for Mrs. Ta, 66 years old and Mr. Wiwat, 40 years old, who are Nong Aum's aunt and aunt. Acid water splashed onto the face, neck, arms, burns, but not serious, so the rescuers gave first aid. and taken to the hospital for the doctor to examine the symptoms

Ask Nong Aum's aunt that before the incident, there was a white sedan without a license plate. Come to park in front of the shop, then there are 2 men, about 20-30 years old, wearing black clothes and a mask covering their faces. Walked carrying a bucket for each person. He jumped straight into the two tanks of acid on Nong Aum before quickly driving away. Everything happened very quickly. And the villain is like a specific person throwing acid on his granddaughter. As for the mother and herself, they were just lost. The family then saw that The motivation seems to come from 2 issues: an affair because it has recently had problems until it became a lawsuit with a new girlfriend of a man who had just broken up. and another issue is daily loan

In the case of the case, the police are speeding up the pursuit of the culprit. Initially, from the inspection of CCTV cameras along various routes, it was found that it was a white Toyota sedan without a license plate attached. Drive by near the time of the accident. which the police have accelerated the distribution of their forces to follow up – Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency