Thailand Recorder

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“Sanan” suggests new cabinet to urgently solve people’s economic problems

The chairman of the Thai Chamber of Commerce and Board of Trade of Thailand revealed that he is ready to work with the new cabinet led by Paethongtarn, indicating that age is not an obstacle, as the new generation can work with the older generation to help the Thai economy recover. He suggested accelerating the resolution of people's economic problems, especially the digital wallet, which must be clear. However, if cash is to be distributed, he sees it as a good thing, but it should be distributed only to vulnerable groups. Mr. Sanan Angubolkul, Chairman of the Thai Chamber of Commerce and Board of Trade of Thailand, said that the Thai Chamber of Commerce believes that it is a good thing to have a new Prime Minister without a vacuum. He hopes that Ms. Paetongtarn Shinawatra will be able to form a new Cabinet soon to help restore economic confidence. He believes that having a young Prime Minister is not a problem. Many provincial chambers of commerce are also young people who can work well. The young genera tion can work with the older generation. The Thai Chamber of Commerce is ready to work with the government to drive the economy. For the issue that the new Cabinet must urgently resolve in the short term is maintaining the stability of the baht at an appropriate level, not too strong, which will support the export sector, especially agricultural products, and help support the tourism sector to grow continuously. Maintaining the momentum of the tourism sector, with an average of 3 million tourists per month. For this part, I would like to push and facilitate tourists, including taking care of the safety of tourists, as well as developing tourist attractions and services so that this year's tourists reach the target of 36-37 million. At the same time, the "Attractive Cities" campaign should be continued so that tourism stands out and spreads, distributing income from tourist attractions in major cities to attractive cities, including continuing the investment distribution plan to 10 pilot provinces that the Ch amber of Commerce has collaborated on in the past. At the same time, it is recommended to urgently solve the people's cost of living problems. Many people are waiting for digital wallets. Whether or not they will be distributed, the new government must make it clear as soon as possible. However, if they are going to change to distributing cash, the Thai Chamber of Commerce has always stated that it should be distributed only to vulnerable groups. Singapore is an example of a country that has solved the cost of living problems and stimulated the economy by distributing cash. People can use it to spend immediately. This should be done within this year. In this regard, the advancement of the foreign market in order for Thai exports to expand in the remaining period by no less than 2%, following the previous period of inviting negotiations and inviting many companies to invest in Thailand, and the acceleration of the disbursement of the 2024 budget to distribute to all regions are important factors that will dr ive the economy to recover significantly. The preparation of the 2025 budget should be accelerated to be completed according to the process or within the specified time frame. At the same time, attracting new industries related to digital technology is still a problem for Thailand, which still lacks personnel with sufficient skills, as well as problems with high electricity costs and outdated laws that do not support investment. These are issues that the government must solve. In addition to being a salesman, the government must also close sales. However, in the past, Thailand's GDP grew by an average of 2%, which is lower than its potential and does not attract foreign investment. Therefore, in the medium and long term, it is an important issue for the government to develop a strategy for the country in order to make Thailand's GDP grow by no less than 3-5% per year. Mr. Sanan reiterated that the coalition parties need to work together in unity to stabilize Thai politics, create an atmosphere conducive to foreign investment, and listen to opinions from all sectors, especially the private sector, which is the real deal in trade and driving the current Thai economy. Chambers of Commerce in every province are ready to work together with the government. Source: Thai News Agency