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sea ??lettuce seaweed New economic crops for health lovers

Phang Nga, Launch of sea lettuce seaweed. new economic crop Suitable for people who love health. to cook Can be processed in a variety of ways, sold fresh for 300-500 baht per kg. What is seen here is The appearance of sea lettuce seaweed new aquatic plants At the Phang Nga Coastal Aquaculture Research and Development Center, Thai Mueang District, Phang Nga Province, they were brought for experimental cultivation in the area. It was found that this type of algae grew well. They multiply quickly within 3-4 weeks and can be consumed. In the past Phang Nga Coastal Aquaculture Research and Development Center They have already tried processing it into crispy fried seaweed, tempura style, for people in the area to try and eat. Within the province's traditional events in the past It has received attention and received praise from those who have tasted it that it tastes good and very delicious. We are preparing to promote it to farmers. Or those who are interested in trying to raise it as a new economic crop. Mrs . Aporn Theppanich, Director of the Phang Nga Coastal Aquaculture Research and Development Center, revealed that sea lettuce is in the group of green algae. Looks like lettuce Can be found along the sea coast. for breeding The Fisheries Department has promoted the center. Coastal culture is being cultivated in many experimental areas. And currently, cultivation has been expanded to many areas. Can be used to cook a variety of dishes such as tempura, soup, stir-fry, seaweed juice, and seaweed powder to sprinkle on food like Japanese seaweed. And can also be used as an ingredient in cosmetics. For nutritional value, it is high in protein, carbohydrates, low in fat, suitable as a healthy food. And can be stored in the form of dried seaweed without losing nutritional value. Interested farmers can contact to inquire or request knowledge for cultivation. Currently, the selling price is 300-500 baht per kilogram. Source: Thai News Agency