Thailand Recorder

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Search for evidence of cadmium smuggling

Phuket, NACC rushes to gather evidence. Manage people involved in transporting cadmium waste to international capitalists, sympathize with government officials working under their influence. Mr. Niwatchai Kasemmongkol, Secretary-General of the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC), spoke about the case of illegally transporting cadmium waste to sell to international capital groups, saying that the NACC Part 6 collects information published through the mass media. Because it was originally in Tak Province Mae Sot has a factory. And there is a residue left that is cadmium residue. But it has already been buried. But because it is a valuable substance This led to a movement to mine cadmium waste to resell to the company. which we know that it is foreign capital coming to buy And there are problems in transportation. Therefore, NACC Region 6 is currently in the process of gathering factual information. Evidence that Are there any government officials involved? Only the agencies responsible for the industry W hen asked, do you know when you brought it? There are agencies in the area that have given permission to carry them out. Mr. Niwatchai said that this matter needs to be checked to see what agencies in the province are related to. Who has the authority to grant approval? Who has the duty to control? Take care when moving In this regard, in collecting information I understand that there will be enough information to be raised. But we're going to see whether the central NACC will do it or the NACC Region 6, which is the one collecting the information, to take action. because they were people in the area where the incident occurred When asked further, At this time there are environmental problems, such as last night a fire occurred at a chemical factory in Phachi District. Mr. Niwatchai said that environmental issues are important. Whether it's about wastewater industrial tailings factory releases waste These must be viewed on a case-by-case basis. that there are government officials involved in approving and pe rmitting business operations How to release waste? If waste is released from the beginning Are government officials aware of this? The agency must also be fair. Because I understand that when I came to ask for permission to open the factory, I understand that there are already details regarding waste disposal. But after getting the license, you have to see if there is a waste disposal machine running or not. because it is considered a factory cost Some factories in order to reduce costs release waste directly into the river, so you must see that the officials are inspecting it. Follow or not If you know, you still ignore it. Officials must be responsible. 'Recently, the Director-General of the Department of Industrial Works wrote a letter of resignation. What will the consequences be? So, what would you like to say to the officials? Mr. Niwatchai said that we sympathize with government officials in these things. Especially in other provinces, sometimes various operations Has a hidden influence Government off icials under their own duties will have many chains of command. Therefore, the pressure to perform the duties is quite high, which is understandable. However, today the NACC exists in every province. Troubleshooting a simple solution is to come work with NACC found something unusual. If there is influence to intervene, you can come to the NACC. The NACC is happy to coordinate and help solve the problem. It's better than letting it pass. There will be those who are responsible. Today, the NACC uses a prevention-led approach. Go in and stop it, fix it first. If it can still be fixed today, fix it first, don't let the problem arise. If an offense has occurred We can't protect it. We have to go down and carry out the inspection and further investigation, including people being able to report it at the office. NACC every province The National Anti-Corruption Commission will conceal personal information. Including a compensation fund if affected,' NACC Secretary-General Said. Source: Thai News Agency