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SEC Secretary confirms that the securities trading inspection process must be transparent.

Secretary-General of the SEC. The new person confirmed that it would make the securities trading inspection process transparent. There are measures to prevent fraud in securities trading. In the future, the capital market should be accessible to everyone. For the STARK and MORE cases, which have already been blamed on the DSI. Still moving forward with in-depth investigation If new evidence is found It will lead to additional accusations of other offenses and additional people committing crimes.

Mrs. Pornanong Busaratrakul, Secretary-General of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), met the media for the first time. After being appointed by the Cabinet on September 18, 2023, he stated that he wanted to put the capital market inspection process under the authority of the SEC. Be transparent There are measures to prevent corruption in securities trading. It also looks forward to the future. Everyone has access to the capital market. Thailand enters an aging society. Therefore, senior citizens can invest in the capital market to earn income.

For guidelines to push the SEC Has the power and duty to supervise the auditing office and performs investigations in cases where corruption is found. It is included in the Act. Securities revised version which is under consideration by the Office of the Council of State But it will take some time to come into effect. As well as amending the law to bring digital assets under the supervision of the SEC. which takes time

As for the investigation of STARK and MORE cases, the SEC is still investigating in more depth. Operation has not been stopped. Even though the perpetrators have been charged with the Department of Special Investigation, STARK has been charged with filing false filings and prospectuses. Including decorating the account in the case of MORE accusing 2 times of price creation. If the investigation finds new evidence It will lead to additional accusations of other offenses and additional offenders. Soon we will join with the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) and DSI to announce all the progress.

Mrs. Pornanong said Currently, the problem of the quality of operations of inspection agencies is decreasing. Happens around the world which must bring lessons to improve In addition, the SEC Currently studying the creation of a compensation fund for victims of securities trading corruption. Using the Enron fraud case as an example. If this fund is successful will relieve the suffering of the victims.

Source: Thai News Agency