Thailand Recorder

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Internal Affairs

Senate gives green light to draft Budget Act 67

Parliament, The Senate unanimously approved the draft. Budget Act 2024, the government confirms the budget It will be used according to the specified objectives and plans in a transparent manner and with maximum benefit to the people. senate meeting with Mr. Phonphet Wichitcholchai, President of the Senate, acting as chairman of the meeting. Considered the draft Budget Act for fiscal year 2024, with a budget limit of 3,480,000 million baht, which the House of Representatives voted to approve. Considered with the report of the Special Committee to consider and study the Senate's draft budget bill for fiscal year 2024, which has been studied in parallel with the House of Representatives. Dr. Amphon Jindawatana, member of the Senate Protest the budget allocation for government personnel. which includes both civil servants and local government employees is not as comprehensive as it should be There are still some types of government personnel whose salary or wages are not specified in Section 38. Therefore, wh en analyzing the overall budget, the expenses of the entire government personnel system may not be known. Especially under local administrative organizations or local administrative organizations that can spend budgets. To be able to hire personnel from the budget of their own agency without using the national budget therefore made an observation to the Budget Office Continue preparing the budget for next year. Government personnel expenses must be analyzed and a comprehensive factual report presented. and request that the government expedite the formulation of a strategy for reducing the size of the public sector workforce. along with applying technology in government administration and expedite the decentralization of power to local administrative organizations. While Mr. Tuang Antachai, a member of the Senate Protest the Ministry of Defense's budget of 39,000 million baht because the budget is still allocated in the same way. As the world changes dramatically Whether it's about Iron Dome, the missile defe nse system future world war or even guidelines for preventing nuclear war But the Ministry of Defense continues to allocate the budget as before. There is still only the matter of military conscription. Welfare arrangement Purchasing a submarine only As for the budget of the Ministry of Education, a budget of 300,000 million baht, it is still the same format for organizing education with 3 plans and 5 plans. But in today's world of education, there is no need to build new school buildings. or a new classroom But classrooms in the modern world must be like Metaverse Classrooms or online classrooms in the virtual world. The Ministry must be dedicated to creating classrooms like this to support them. It should be allocated to suit the modern world. Because the traditional budget allocation will no longer be able to change the country to keep up with the world. Mr. Sangsit Piriyarangsan senator Agree with the government's budget allocation for the construction of a cement-soil water retardation dam. To solve the problem of shortage of water for consumption and water for agriculture for the people. By this project It is a project at the Faculty of Engineering. of Khon Kaen University and Chulalongkorn University There is joint research. This is a standard weir that is strong and able to store water to its full potential. and does not seriously obstruct the waterway Cases alleging that this project does not follow academic principles It is considered false information. 'The allegation that it has not been certified by the National Water Resources Office (ONWR) is not true. In fact, there is no need to request a receipt from this agency. But if you have to ask, you must ask for permission from the National Park Department. Wild animals and plants, not the Royal Forest Department or the Marine Department. But most do not require permission because it is construction in a small river. At the same time, it is also confirmed that This project is worthwhile and can definitely create jobs and income for the people,' Mr. Sang sit said. Reporters reported that after extensive discussion, the meeting resolved to approve the draft budget bill for the fiscal year 2024, which the House of Representatives voted to approve. With 186 votes for disapproval, none, 2 abstentions, no votes, none, along with agreeing with the committee's observations, etc., then it will be sent to the Cabinet. to consider further action Then Mr. Anutin Charnvirakul, Deputy Prime Minister Representing the Prime Minister Thanked the senators for considering and approving the draft Budget Act for the year 2024, which is considered an important tool to be used in driving government policy. National strategy and various development plans To support driving and raising the level of economic and social development. and the quality of life of the people along with preserving the environment so that the country can move forward according to government policy. To create income, reduce expenses, create opportunities, reduce inequality and create a better quality of lif e for the people 'For comments The concerns of the senators who have made suggestions The government will take it into consideration to improve the operations of budget receiving units. In order for people to get the most benefit from the use of budget funds. Thank you to the extraordinary committee. who have given importance and sacrificed time and full cooperation in considering this draft budget bill. Until it was successfully completed Including the observations of the extraordinary committee. This will be beneficial to the administration of government affairs and the government will take it into consideration in setting guidelines for budget preparation in order to make budget allocation worthwhile and provide maximum benefit,' said the Minister of Interior. Mr. Anutin said that he is confident that the policies, measures and budgets that have been considered this time will be used according to the objectives and plans set by the government, which will oversee so that the spending of said budgets will be transparent and Achieve results according to the policy that has been set. Including to achieve the highest goals according to everyone's expectations. and request that the people and senators continue to support this government. Source: Thai News Agency