Thailand Recorder

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Internal Affairs

Senator hopes the Prime Minister will come to explain the debate 153

Parliament, 'Seree' accepts the forum to interrogate the Senate without being harsh. Not as concentrated as MP. The reason is that it is a suggestion to the government to make corrections, hoping the Prime Minister will explain it himself, asking for 2 days in February. Mr. Seri Suwannaphanon, a member of the Senate (Senate), spoke about his readiness to debate the government without a vote in accordance with Section 153 of the Constitution, that he had submitted a motion to the Senate President and the President had brought it to a meeting to discuss the affairs of the Senate. On January 25th Along with setting up a working group to coordinate with the senators who will debate the said motion. with General Singsuk Singprai, First Vice President of the Senate, as head of the working group. and there were other working groups to help compile the issues that members wished to discuss. We are currently preparing a questionnaire. To see the issue clearly before being arranged in order according to the 7 specifi ed topics and allocating time appropriately The government will find a minister to answer questions and provide explanations to the meeting. 'Senators have proposed guidelines for discussion. I would like to ask for 2 days of discussion. If possible, I would like to discuss during February. On Monday and Tuesday Because it falls on the day of the Senate meeting already. Therefore, it is up to the government to decide what to do. Are you ready or not? And what day will it be discussed? But Tuesday may fall on the day of the Cabinet meeting. Therefore, the minister or the prime minister will come. But personally, I want the Prime Minister to come. Because he is the head of the government If the leader does not come, the clarity of the content to be answered may be incomplete, incomplete, and the true government policy may not be seen. Therefore, we hope that the Prime Minister will personally come and explain the statement to Parliament,' Mr. Seri said. As for the case where the motion has not yet reached the hands of the government, is there any concern that it will delay the discussion and possibly delay it at the same time as the debate of the MPs? During March-April, Mr. Seri said that this matter depends on the convenience and sincerity of the government. If you are honest, you should come and explain. The work must be completed within February. Not until March. However, senators don't want it to be delayed beyond February. Because there may be a risk of colliding with the agenda that is about to expire in this session. In the case of NIDA, the poll surveyed the public's opinion that they would like the government to delay the digital wallet project for the time being. which is consistent with the opinion of the Senator. Mr. Seri said that it is a continuous matter. Because it is an economic matter, people want to solve the problem. Therefore, it is a matter that should be raised and discussed in the House. As for whether or not there will also be an issue of accepting bribes? Because there are people in the government involved. Confirm that it will be included in the topic of justice and law enforcement. which is related to feral pigs Including the performance of duties of government officials. Mr. Seri said that the Political Development Commission The discussants have been pre-determined to be knowledgeable in that matter. Be the one who sees problems and proposes problems. And take those problems and formulate them into 7 points and make a letter of intent to clearly show them as evidence. But the debate of the senators It will be different from the no-confidence debate of the House of Representatives because the Senate submitted a general debate motion without voting. By presenting issues for the government to fix Meanwhile, the MP's will be in a strong direction. It points out how the government's work has failed. 'To see the concentration The intensity of senators and MPs may not be the same. We will speak with reason. about public administration Mainly for the benefit of the country and the people. Open ing of the debate by the Senators and posting live questions. It is considered one of the verification processes. It depends on what to do. Make problems that the Cabinet is responsible for Explain to Parliament As for setting up live questions It is a matter between the member and the relevant minister. There is a difference here.'. Source: Thai News Agency