Thailand Recorder

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Internal Affairs

Senators watch out for faults but are unable to see the government’s work.

Government House, Secretary to the Prime Minister retorts to the Senate, criticizing the Prime Minister for traveling abroad and not having results. Point out a lot of work. Many matters require management while Budget 67 has not yet been released. If you look narrowly I can't see what's wrong. Dr. Phrommin Lertsuriyadet Secretary to the Prime Minister Referring to the case of Senator Accusing the Prime Minister of traveling abroad but not having any concrete results, saying that this group of senators was appointed by You may not be able to look at all sides. Because of the work in the country since the first day the Prime Minister came in Reduced energy prices, such as electricity bills, and moratorium on farmers' debts. This may be because we worked so hard that people thought that these things were easy to come by. The government makes an effort and also looking at restructuring the energy structure 'As for the provision of public health services Millions of people have been vaccinated. Upgrading the p roject of 30 baht to treat all diseases or 30 baht plus, which was initially piloted in 4 provinces and has now been increased to 8 provinces to 12 provinces. As for agricultural crops Overall, we increased it by 40 percent, confirming that everything was not a fluke. But it is all caused by management. Especially the price of rubber which has increased from over 50 baht per kilogram to over 80 baht. These things require management. Both finding the market Preventing illegal imports, while the price of rice eventually rose,' said the Prime Minister's Secretary-General. Dr. Phrommin said that regarding traveling abroad If you look at it in a narrow way and look for faults. will find it like that But if viewed as strategic management that is connected The Prime Minister's travels abroad go make acquaintances causing more trading contacts To have more confidence Because confidence is the basis of the economy. which will cause spending Don't forget that the fiscal year 2024 budget has not yet been passed by the House of Representatives. The government uses all management. The result is to generate income. and greatly increase opportunities Secretary-General of the Prime Minister said that regarding the digital wallet that will be used in important restructuring We are still stuck with various laws which make it impossible to do so. We are currently trying to overcome this and do our best. Travel matters The total number of tourists that came in at the end of last year, we set a target of 25 million to 28 million people, and in the first 2 months we increased another 50 percent. So I would like to ask, are these not incoming efforts? And isn't this an endeavor related to the Prime Minister's overseas travels? 'Many critics say that going to the three southern provinces does not reach the foundation of the area's problems. Because we've been solving the same problems for 20 years. Now we're solving the same problems. But we add in a new way. Regarding the economy and increasing opportunities, for example, the scarve s and bags that the Prime Minister Used when visiting a foreign country. which is not new If you remember, there is also a LOUIS VUITTON scarf that was inspired by Middle Eastern turbans. These are small things that will show results in the future,' said Dr. Phrommin. The Secretary-General of the Prime Minister said that in the long term, various investors will come. We are currently amending laws and regulations to make it convenient for investors to come in. and even easier which will clearly come in the near term Currently, there are at least 3-4 contacts to create important events in the country that are currently in negotiations. Is this not all work? If we look narrowly and watch out for fault You will not be able to find the importance of these things. Source: Thai News Agency