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Set 4 observations: The resort balcony collapsed.

Bangkok, The Association of Structural Engineers made 4 observations to analyze the cause of the famous Chiang Mai resort balcony collapsing, causing several injuries. from resort events In Chiang Mai Province, it collapsed, causing many injuries. The Structural Engineers Association of Thailand, led by Prof. Dr. Amorn Pimanmas, President of the Association, Mr. Chulert Chitchueajun, Vice-President, and Mr. Watthanapong Hirunman, jointly analyzed the cause of the collapse. By noting various issues that may be the cause of the collapse are as follows. The part of the building that collapsed It is a balcony extending onto the second floor. Has the construction permit been legally requested or not? And is there an overhang of more than 2 m.? Because balconies that extend from 2 m or more are classified as controlled engineering. Therefore, it is necessary to have a licensed engineer to design and supervise construction. Also, the resort It may also be classified as a public building. Characteristics of the b alcony structure It has the appearance of a projecting structure. This was caused by an addition extending from the main structure. Normally, the overhanging structure There is only one support point on one side. Therefore there is a lot of deflection and internal force. Therefore, it is more likely to fall off from the main structure than other types of structures. Especially if it is a newly added balcony. The joint between the balcony and the original structure Does it meet engineering standards? Because of the photograph of the collapsed building Shows how to fasten the structure using only short steel dowels. which may not be strong enough to support weight It may cause it to collapse. Load weight, such as the number of people or items placed on the balcony How many are there? If the load exceeds the capacity of the balcony It may also be the cause of the collapse. In order to conclude the exact cause of the collapse, Additional information must be gathered, such as forms for requesting construction p ermission. List of engineers involved as well as information on the remains of concrete and reinforcing steel that have collapsed. Prof. Dr. Amorn Pimanmat emphasized that Addition of overhanging structures such as balconies that are not up to engineering standards There is steel reinforcement at the joints that are not up to standard. There is a risk of collapse. Therefore, heavy objects should not be placed or the number of people should be limited. By avoiding using the overhanging balcony as an activity area for many people. Source: Thai News Agency