Thailand Recorder

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Internal Affairs

Set a goal at the end of the year to use a single ID card throughout the country.

Parliament, Minister of Public Health admits to encountering cyber warfare problems. -The person with the right to not confirm their identity After opening the project, a single ID card can be used anywhere in the pilot area. 30 baht can be used everywhere. Accelerate corrections before opening the second phase in March, aiming to open nationwide at the end of the year. Senate meeting (Senate) with Mr. Supachai Somcharoen, 2nd Vice President of the Senate, acting as chairman. Consider the question thread of Dr. Chet Siratharanon, Senator, asking Dr. Chonnan Srikaew, Minister of Public Health, about solving the problem of a single ID card for treatment everywhere. Dr. Chonnan admitted that after opening the pilot project in 4 provinces, the Ministry A war room has been set up to follow up on problems and be vigilant. Both threats of cyber warfare Before opening the project in Roi Et Province, a cyber attack was found. But it can be prevented. The ministry emphasizes creating safety and protecting personal in formation. At the same time, with the development of the system, the problem of receiving duplicate services will also be solved. 'After opening the pilot project, a problem was found: people had not yet verified their identities in the system. This causes those who receive services to have to waste time making history before receiving treatment. Therefore, in opening the next phase in 8 provinces during March 2024 Will expedite the solution. and campaign for people to complete their identity verification before receiving services. without waiting to get sick However, the government intends for the project to use a single ID card to cover the entire country by the end of 2024, with Phase 3 kicking off in April. - This May, use 4 health service zones, namely 8 northern provinces. the central region, the southern northeastern region and the lower southern region,' said the Minister of Public Health. Dr. Chonnan said that the government will expand it to all provinces to test the linkage system. If there is li nkage potential, it will be able to link the public and private sectors. In terms of system and technology development. It will reduce manpower. However, the development of the system must continue. to make the system stable There is no problem with providing service. and the future is ready to support all treatment rights Currently in the process of negotiating with Social Security. Source: Thai News Agency