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SET SOURCE ‘Abnormal trading conditions and trading supervision measures’

Stock Exchange of Thailand Assessing the effectiveness of the improvement measures, they were found to be effective in dealing with abnormal trading conditions. Helps reduce the heat of changes in securities trading prices. Stock Exchange of Thailand Revealing the SET SOURCE article on "Abnormal Trading Conditions and Trading Supervision Measures" that securities trading by investors with the intention of making a profit from anticipating security prices that may fluctuate in the short term. Also known as speculation, it is a normal part of securities trading. However, if there is too much speculation in the market due to rapidly changing trading conditions that are not consistent with the news or lack of supporting fundamentals, it may become a hot trading situation and there is speculation. Too high (excessive speculation) Stock Exchange sees the importance of managing risks that may arise from such hot and highly speculative trading conditions in an efficient and timely manner Therefore, tools have bee n put in place to monitor and monitor various trading conditions, including measures to supervise securities trading. Measures for regulating securities trading It is a measure that the Stock Exchange of Thailand It is used with securities that have rapidly changing trading conditions that are inconsistent with news or lacking fundamental factors to support them. To deal with the hot trading conditions The objective is to reduce risks to investors, market mechanisms and the overall trading system and adjust trading conditions to be more normal. Measures for regulating securities trading Dealing with hot trading conditions and excessive speculation in the stock market with measures to regulate securities trading It may be explained and divided into 3 main steps as follows. Screening guidelines It is a process of sorting out securities that show signs that the securities have trading conditions that are different from normal. There are no fundamental factors supporting the change with the following characte ristics during the considered period: - There is a significant change in price or trading volume. or there is a high concentration of traders in that security - there is an abnormally high trading turnover rate - there is no news related to the company that would affect the price change or there are no fundamental factors supporting it or it is inconsistent with the overall condition of the industry and market. The screening is carried out continuously every day. And a list of securities that are subject to trading supervision measures will be announced to investors both daily (Trading alerts: TA) and weekly (Turnover list: TO). You can check the list at Implementation of measures for securities that are screened to enter trading supervision measures. Measures will be taken to set conditions for trading securities in addition to normal conditions in order to reduce excessive speculation an d prevent potential risks. The current trading supervision measures are set at 3 levels, with measures starting from a lighter level to a more intense level as follows: Measures Level 1: Buy the said securities by depositing the full amount of cash in advance before purchasing ( Cash Balance) and such securities are prohibited from being calculated as trading limits. Level 2 measures: Level 1 measures + Prohibition of offsetting purchase and sale costs of the same security on the same day (Prohibition of Net settlement). Level 3 measures: Prohibition of trading of such securities for 1 business day and when allowed to resume trading. can Level 2 measures will still be used. Each level of measures has an enforcement period of 3 weeks at a time by the Stock Exchange. Can consider expanding or measures can be raised If it is found that securities trading conditions are still abnormal Monitoring and evaluation Stock Exchange There is monitoring of the trading conditions of securities subject to trading superv ision measures both during the implementation of the measures and after leaving the measures for another month (Cooling period). Evaluation during the implementation of the measures: This is the monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the measures. Will it bring securities trading conditions back to normal? If abnormalities are still found, measures at the original level may be extended for another 3 weeks, but if additional abnormalities are found, measures may be raised to the next level. Until trading returns to normal, which will remove the securities from trading supervision measures. Evaluation after the measures (Cooling period): During the period of 1 month after the trading supervision measures are released, there is still continuous monitoring of trading conditions. If abnormalities are found during this period, such securities will be brought back into the measure. They may be brought back into the trading supervision measures at the most recent level at which such securities were enfo rced or brought back into the measure level. Higher if trading conditions have an increased degree of abnormality. Stock Exchange There is a continuous review and improvement of factors in trading supervision measures to be consistent with trading conditions. From evaluating the effectiveness of the improved measures 1 using data from the period between 4 April 2022 and 31 December 2023, it was found that the said improved trading supervision measures Effective in dealing with abnormal trading conditions It helps reduce the heat of changes in securities trading prices. It also contributed to the decrease in securities trading volume after the implementation of measures to regulate securities trading. The above measures are one of the measures to help prevent risks from abnormal trading conditions for investors, helping investors to use more caution in trading securities that have hot trading conditions and may have Speculation is too high However, there are other risk factors in investing. Investors should therefore regularly follow investment-related news. To be able to be aware of events and be able to use various information Make trading decisions with appropriate principles and reasons. In addition, nowadays there are a lot of bad people using social media or other communication channels to spread false or misleading information about securities trading. Investors should therefore use good judgment in receiving news in order to be aware of such actions in order to prevent damage that may occur to the investors themselves as well as the capital market as a whole.-511 Source: Thai News Agency