Thailand Recorder

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Internal Affairs

“Settha” is pleased with the test results of 10-year old rice. No carcinogenic substances found.

Republic of Italy, The Prime Minister is pleased that the results of testing 10-year-old rice did not find any carcinogenic substances. If it is to be sold, it must be according to market mechanisms. Mr. Settha Thavisin, Prime Minister, discussed the results of the examination of 10-year-old rice samples sent for examination in the laboratory of Kasetsart University. and no cancer-causing toxins were found. (Aflatoxin) and there are no contaminants that cause danger to consumption that the government wants an impartial agency to inspect. Will it be suitable for selling or not? You must check whether you can do it or not. and as a seller If the buyer wants to inspect it, it's ready. It is considered a matter of pleasure. that the rice has not spoiled and does not contain contaminants will be able to increase the price The research results came out like this. Is it possible to eliminate doubts from many sides? Mr. Settha hopes that many people will not have bias. When there is a middleman to prove it and bel ieves that it will be sold at an appropriate price according to market mechanisms For Mr. Phumtham Wechayachai, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Commerce When will the auction be open? It all depends on the steps. When it is proven that there are no contaminants Ready to proceed with the next steps immediately. Source: Thai News Agency