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Shot and killed a thief who entered the house Shooting a gun into the air and still walking toward it.

Ratchaburi, Thieves enter the house. The homeowner claims he fired a gun into the air to threaten him and still refused to stop. Having said that, he fired heavily and shot at him without stopping, killing him on the spot. The police charged him with murder. Police Colonel Nat Phiphatsawat Superintendent of Lak Ha Police Station Damnoen Saduak District, Ratchaburi Province, deployed forces to inspect the scene after being notified. Someone was shot and killed by a gun. At the back garden area, Bua Ngam Subdistrict, Damnoen Saduak District. At the scene, the body of a man, approximately 25 years old, was found. No documents were found on the body. So I still don't know if I'm Thai. or foreign workers The corpse was wearing a blue t-shirt. Wear black pants Wear black sneakers There was one gunshot wound to the abdomen, one to the buttocks, and one to the left leg. Officials sent the body for identification at Ratchaburi Hospital forensic examination. In addition, at the scene, a 42-year-old man who used the gun to shoot the deceased was found waiting to surrender with a registered 9 mm gun and gave a statement to the police that Before the incident, I received a call from my sister that a criminal had entered the house and was trying to shake the door to go inside. But there were only my older sister and grandchildren at home. and an elderly uncle It made everyone very afraid. So he hurriedly drove back to the house. Came to find the man still walking in the backyard. So he asked what he was doing. Because there is only one entrance and exit in the area of ??one's own house because the inside is a dead end. And it is a private area where outsiders will not enter. If we don't know each other The said man looked similar to a drunk person. His eyes were red and he tried to walk towards him. He was holding a gun and tried to tell the man to sit down and raise his hands. But the man didn't listen and tried to walk towards him while holding a black object in his hand. He used his hand to stop him and fired a gun into the air to frighten him to stop. But the man still tried to walk towards him. without paying attention to the fact that he had a gun in his hand When the man walked in and almost reached him, he decided to fire his gun. The bullet hit his body before he ran away and fell into the garden, causing his death. He had no intention of shooting to kill him, but just wanted the man to stop for fear that he would attack him in self-defense. and do not know the intention of the deceased who came into the house and wanted anything Initially, the officers had the firearms extended for inspection and charged the shooter. Charged with murder along with inspecting the gunpowder soot on the hands To add evidence to the next case. Source: Thai News Agency