Thailand Recorder

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Siam Paragon is open as usual. Strong security

Today Siam Paragon Open for business as usual Since the mall opened There are both Thai and foreign tourists who come to use the service, while the shopping center Safety measures have been intensified. and requiring everyone to pass through a hazardous substance scanner

Today, Siam Paragon Shopping Center Open for business as usual from 10:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. from the time the mall opens. There are both Thai and foreign tourists who come to use the shopping service and eat food at various restaurants. As for shopping centers, security measures at entrances and exits have been increased. There are security officers standing at the point to keep an eye on the luggage. that customers bring to the shopping center and requiring everyone to pass through a hazardous substance scanner

Ms. Sudawan Wangsuphakitkoson Minister of Tourism and Sports Go to the area to inspect the scene of the incident Restroom area on floor M inside Siam Paragon Shopping Center where the perpetrator went to use the bathroom and caused shootings in the bathroom and in front of the bathroom and walked and shot at various points Minister of Tourism And also stopped to talk with a group of Chinese tourists. who come to go shopping in Siam Paragon Shopping Center speak to build confidence and confirm various security measures in order to prevent tourists from becoming worried and uncomfortable.

The owner who proves the evidence Went to the area to collect additional evidence on the M floor. After yesterday's incident, OBEC still could not enter the area. to be used as part of the investigation. combined with other previously stored evidence

The news team had the opportunity to ask Ms. Chutima Wangkiri, chef of a grill-style restaurant. In Siam Paragon Shopping Center She told of escaping for her life from the scene of the crime, saying she heard 7 loud gunshots, the first time 2 shots were loud, 5 minutes apart, another 4 shots were loud, and the last gunshot sounded closer to her. So he fled out the back. and ran as far as Big C Ratchadamri Which is a kilometer away from Siam Paragon.

As for the developments at Pathumwan Police Station, Pol. Maj. Gen. Nakharin Sukonthawit, commander of Metropolitan Police Region 6, revealed that initially, investigators have informed and prosecuted a 14-year-old youth on all five charges, including murder with premeditation, attempted murder, and having a firearm in his possession. Possession, carrying of firearms and shooting in public places and will be referred to the Central Juvenile and Family Court this afternoon. to investigate the arrest and bring it into the treatment process in order to improve the mental condition. Then the interrogation process began. Collaborate with multidisciplinary professionals There are also representatives from Chinese embassy officials. and the Myanmar Embassy Came to meet with investigators at Pathumwan Police Station to talk, follow up on the case, and coordinate assistance for deceased citizens.

Source: Thai News Agency